attractivechaos / kann

A lightweight C library for artificial neural networks
687 stars 116 forks source link
deep-learning neural-network

Getting Started

# acquire source code and compile
git clone
cd kann; make  # or "make CBLAS=/path/to/openblas" for faster matrix multiplication
# learn unsigned addition (30000 samples; numbers within 10000)
seq 30000 | awk -v m=10000 '{a=int(m*rand());b=int(m*rand());print a,b,a+b}' \
  | ./examples/rnn-bit -m7 -o add.kan -
# apply the model (output 1138429, the sum of the two numbers)
echo 400958 737471 | ./examples/rnn-bit -Ai add.kan -


KANN is a standalone and lightweight library in C for constructing and training small to medium artificial neural networks such as multi-layer perceptrons, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks (including LSTM and GRU). It implements graph-based reverse-mode automatic differentiation and allows to build topologically complex neural networks with recurrence, shared weights and multiple inputs/outputs/costs. In comparison to mainstream deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, KANN is not as scalable, but it is close in flexibility, has a much smaller code base and only depends on the standard C library. In comparison to other lightweight frameworks such as tiny-dnn, KANN is still smaller, times faster and much more versatile, supporting RNN, VAE and non-standard neural networks that may fail these lightweight frameworks.

KANN could be potentially useful when you want to experiment small to medium neural networks in C/C++, to deploy no-so-large models without worrying about dependency hell, or to learn the internals of deep learning libraries.




The KANN library is composed of four files: kautodiff.{h,c} and kann.{h,c}. You are encouraged to include these files in your source code tree. No installation is needed. To compile examples:


This generates a few executables in the examples directory.


Comments in the header files briefly explain the APIs. More documentations can be found in the doc directory. Examples using the library are in the examples directory.

A tour of basic KANN APIs

Working with neural networks usually involves three steps: model construction, training and prediction. We can use layer APIs to build a simple model:

kann_t *ann;
kad_node_t *t;
t = kann_layer_input(784); // for MNIST
t = kad_relu(kann_layer_dense(t, 64)); // a 64-neuron hidden layer with ReLU activation
t = kann_layer_cost(t, 10, KANN_C_CEM); // softmax output + multi-class cross-entropy cost
ann = kann_new(t, 0);                   // compile the network and collate variables

For this simple feedforward model with one input and one output, we can train it with:

int n;     // number of training samples
float **x; // model input, of size n * 784
float **y; // model output, of size n * 10
// fill in x and y here and then call:
kann_train_fnn1(ann, 0.001f, 64, 25, 10, 0.1f, n, x, y);

We can save the model to a file with kann_save() or use it to classify a MNIST image:

float *x;       // of size 784
const float *y; // this will point to an array of size 10
// fill in x here and then call:
y = kann_apply1(ann, x);

Working with complex models requires to use low-level APIs. Please see for details.

A complete example

This example learns to count the number of "1" bits in an integer (i.e. popcount):

// to compile and run: gcc -O2 this-prog.c kann.c kautodiff.c -lm && ./a.out
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "kann.h"

int main(void)
    int i, k, max_bit = 20, n_samples = 30000, mask = (1<<max_bit)-1, n_err, max_k;
    float **x, **y, max, *x1;
    kad_node_t *t;
    kann_t *ann;
    // construct an MLP with one hidden layers
    t = kann_layer_input(max_bit);
    t = kad_relu(kann_layer_dense(t, 64));
    t = kann_layer_cost(t, max_bit + 1, KANN_C_CEM); // output uses 1-hot encoding
    ann = kann_new(t, 0);
    // generate training data
    x = (float**)calloc(n_samples, sizeof(float*));
    y = (float**)calloc(n_samples, sizeof(float*));
    for (i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
        int c, a = kad_rand(0) & (mask>>1);
        x[i] = (float*)calloc(max_bit, sizeof(float));
        y[i] = (float*)calloc(max_bit + 1, sizeof(float));
        for (k = c = 0; k < max_bit; ++k)
            x[i][k] = (float)(a>>k&1), c += (a>>k&1);
        y[i][c] = 1.0f; // c is ranged from 0 to max_bit inclusive
    // train
    kann_train_fnn1(ann, 0.001f, 64, 50, 10, 0.1f, n_samples, x, y);
    // predict
    x1 = (float*)calloc(max_bit, sizeof(float));
    for (i = n_err = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
        int c, a = kad_rand(0) & (mask>>1); // generating a new number
        const float *y1;
        for (k = c = 0; k < max_bit; ++k)
            x1[k] = (float)(a>>k&1), c += (a>>k&1);
        y1 = kann_apply1(ann, x1);
        for (k = 0, max_k = -1, max = -1.0f; k <= max_bit; ++k) // find the max
            if (max < y1[k]) max = y1[k], max_k = k;
        if (max_k != c) ++n_err;
    fprintf(stderr, "Test error rate: %.2f%%\n", 100.0 * n_err / n_samples);
    kann_delete(ann); // TODO: also to free x, y and x1
    return 0;


Task Framework Machine Device Real CPU Command line
mnist-mlp KANN+SSE Linux 1 CPU 31.3s 31.2s mlp -m20 -v0
Mac 1 CPU 27.1s 27.1s
KANN+BLAS Linux 1 CPU 18.8s 18.8s
Theano+Keras Linux 1 CPU 33.7s 33.2s keras/ -m20 -v0
4 CPUs 32.0s 121.3s
Mac 1 CPU 37.2s 35.2s
2 CPUs 32.9s 62.0s
TensorFlow Mac 1 CPU 33.4s 33.4s tensorflow/ -m20
2 CPUs 29.2s 50.6s tensorflow/ -m20 -t2
Tiny-dnn Linux 1 CPU 2m19s 2m18s tiny-dnn/mlp -m20
Tiny-dnn+AVX Linux 1 CPU 1m34s 1m33s
Mac 1 CPU 2m17s 2m16s
mnist-cnn KANN+SSE Linux 1 CPU 57m57s 57m53s mnist-cnn -v0 -m15
4 CPUs 19m09s 68m17s mnist-cnn -v0 -t4 -m15
Theano+Keras Linux 1 CPU 37m12s 37m09s keras/ -Cm15 -v0
4 CPUs 24m24s 97m22s
1 GPU 2m57s keras/ -Cm15 -v0
Tiny-dnn+AVX Linux 1 CPU 300m40s 300m23s tiny-dnn/mlp -Cm15
mul100-rnn KANN+SSE Linux 1 CPU 40m05s 40m02s rnn-bit -l2 -n160 -m25 -Nd0
4 CPUs 12m13s 44m40s rnn-bit -l2 -n160 -t4 -m25 -Nd0
KANN+BLAS Linux 1 CPU 22m58s 22m56s rnn-bit -l2 -n160 -m25 -Nd0
4 CPUs 8m18s 31m26s rnn-bit -l2 -n160 -t4 -m25 -Nd0
Theano+Keras Linux 1 CPU 27m30s 27m27s -l2 -n160 -m25
4 CPUs 19m52s 77m45s