aturfah / eou-grimoire-editor

Grimoire Editor for Etrian Odyssey Untold Save Files
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Etrian Odyssey Untold Grimoire Editor



Run the eou_grimoire_editor.exe file from the dist/ folder. Make sure that the skill_data/ folder is in the same directory as the executable file, otherwise it will not run.



Download the code from this repository navigate to the directory and using the terminal. You will need to install the eel python package in order to run the program, which can be installed via te command below

pip install eel

It is recommended to do this in a virtual environment; please check out this link to get more information.

From there, run the command below


Basic Usage (with pictures!)

Obtain a backup of a save file for the game using Checkpoint or a similar tool for the 3DS. The file of interest should be called mor1rgame.sav. I strongly suggest backing up this save file in case things go wrong.

Launch the grimoire editor program and load the save file. You should see a screen similar to the one below on the left. I am going to change Raging Edge to Wolf Pack by selecting it from the dropdown. If you want a level 10 Wolf Pack, you can use the dropdown to the side of the skill name and select the desired level, as I have done in the image on the right.

We can also edit the name of the character who generated the grimoire. A blank entry is Unknown origin; in this case I'm going to set the generator to be "Doot Do0t" as dummy text. Prior to doing this, make sure to un-check the Unkown Origin checkbox. I'm also going to make the grimoire slightly damaged, even though it has a level 10 skill. Note that the name in the Chosen Grimoire dropdown has changed as well to reflect the grimoire origin and quality.

Change skill

You can select another grimoire from the menu on the left to edit multiple grimoires. I've selected the second grimoire in my inventory (the original can be seen on the left) to modify. I added the three gathering skills at level 5 as well as set the class to a spear, as shown on the right. Note that when changing a skill from "Blank," the level will automatically be set to 1. I am going to keep the origin as unknown for this grimoire. Note that the name in the Chosen Grimoire dropdown has changed to reflect the class and number of skills.

Gathering Grimoire

Once complete, use the Save File button to save the file with the modified grimoires. After loading the save file, we see the two grimoires in-game below.


In-depth Explanation of Features

The Load File and Save File can be used to load and save the game .sav file respectively. It is highly recommended to make a back-up of your save file or to not overwrite your original file in case things go wrong.

On the same line is the orange Reset Grimoire button. This will reset the properties of the currently selected grimoire to match the original save file.

The Chosen Grimoire dropdown selects the grimoire to be edited. It also updates to reflect changes to grimoires such as quality, class, origin, and number of skills.

The Active Grimoire checkbox determines if a grimoire is empty or not. Un-checking the box will disable all editing, and if you save the grimoire will be empty. This can serve to delete a grimoire you so please.

The Grimoire Class dropdown sets the equipment bonus a grimoire provides.

The Grimoire Quality is a cosmetic feature and need not be consistent with the levels of the grimoires provided.

The Grimoire Generator and Unknown Origin fields determine name of the creator of the grimoire. If Unknown Origin is checked, then the grimoire will display unknown origin, even if a name is typed the field. Otherwise, the name provided in the generator field will be used. This is another cosmetic feature.

The Skill Name and Skill Level dropdowns can be used to set the skill name and level.



To run the program locally, please use the instructions to run on a Mac/Linux computer.

To build the .exe file locally, install pyinstaller and run the following command

python -m eel web --onefile

This will generate an executable file in the dist/ directory (eou_grimoire_editor.exe). Make sure that the skill_data/ folder is in the same directory as the executable file, otherwise it will not run.