atviriduomenys / katalogas

Lietuvos atvirų duomenų katalogas (
14 stars 2 forks source link

Data catalogue ##############

Lithuania's open data catalogue (


.. _TDD: .. _DDD: .. _GitHub Flow:

Development environment

From project root directory run::

docker-compose up -d

If elasticsearch does not start and raises AccessDeniedException on createDirectory(), try this::

sudo chown -R $UID:$GID var/elasticsearch

Then we need to install pgloader ( and migrate MySQL database to PostgreSQL::

docker run -it --rm \
    --network katalogas_default \
    dimitri/pgloader:latest \
    pgloader \
        mysql://adp:secret@mysql/adp-dev \

By default pgloader creates a schema with the same name as in source database. So after this command we need to switch to public schema::

docker-compose run -T --rm -e PGPASSWORD=secret postgres psql -h postgres -U adp adp-dev <<EOF
  ALTER SCHEMA "public" RENAME TO "public-orig";
  ALTER SCHEMA "adp-dev" RENAME TO "public";
  DROP SCHEMA "public-orig" CASCADE;

Then we can run::

poetry install
poetry run python migrate sites
poetry run python migrate
poetry run python rebuild_index --noinput
poetry run python createinitialrevisions

To generate static files run::

poetry run python collectstatic
cd webpack
npm install
npm run build

To migrate files, news posts and pages to Django CMS rerun server and run::

poetry run python scripts/ \
    --distribution-path var/data/ \
    --cms-path var/data/files/ \
    --structure-path var/data/structure/

poetry run python scripts/
poetry run python scripts/

To add new language translations (replace en with desired language)::

poetry run python makemessages -av1

To generate or update .mo files when .po file is ready::

poetry run python compilemessages

To log into adminer open http://localhost:9000/ in your browser and use credentials in docker-compose.yml::

System: PostgreSQL
Server: postgres
Username: adp
Password: secret
Database: adp-dev

Scripts that are run periodically:

To set up a visp social account provider:

To use google analytics go to add setting GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID and set provided google analytics id.

Email template identifiers (emails that supposed to be sent from administrative side, was decided not to refactor):

  1. application-use-case-rejected, current keys ({0} - title, {1} - description)
  2. auth-password-reset
  3. auth-org-coordinator-credentials
  4. auth-coordinator-credentials
  5. application-use-case-registered
  6. learning-material-registered
  7. learning-material-rejected
  8. auth-password-reset-token, current keys ({0} - url)
  9. auth-org-representative-without-credentials, current keys ({0} - dataset, {1} - url)
  10. auth-org-representative-credentials
  11. financing-plan-confirmed
  12. newsletter-subscribed
  13. suggestion-registered
  14. request-rejected, current keys ({0} - request comment)
  15. auth-new-password
  16. auth-admin-credentials
  17. use-case-registered
  18. request-registered ({0} - request title)
  19. use-case-rejected
  20. dataset-updated, current keys ({0} - object)
  21. request-approved
  22. auth-portal-user-password-changed
  23. auth-org-coordinator-password-changed
  24. error-in-data, current keys ({0} - url, {1} - external object id, {2} - content type, {3} - external content type)
  25. auth-viisp-merge
  26. coordinator-request-approved
  27. coordinator-request-denied
  28. coordinator-request-created