au190 / au190_thermostat_card

[au190] Thermostat card
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Lovelace custom card for Thermostat

This thermostat card is for Home Assistant Lovelace UI. The aim was good loking card and not set unintentionally by scrolling the screen.


The easiest way to install it is through HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) search for the card in Plugins section.
If you are not using HACS, you may download the configuration and put it into $homeassistant_config_dir/www/community/


*** How to set the GUI

Operation Preset Color Icon
Off black
Auto On Orange auto
Idle Grey auto
Heat On Orange heat
Idle Grey heat
Cool On Blue coll
Idle Grey coll
Dry On Yellow dry
Idle Grey dry
Fan Only On Wgrey fan olny
Idle Grey fan olny


Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:au190-thermostat-card
entity string Required The entity id of climate entity. Example: climate.hvac
title string optional Card title
no_card boolean false Set to true to avoid the card background and use the custom element in picture-elements.
small_i boolean false Set to true if you have 2 climate in one card. Default 1 big card. (Must clear browser cache after chageing this value)
step number 0.5 The step to use when increasing or decreasing temperature
highlight_tap boolean false Show the tap area highlight when changing temperature settings
chevron_size number 50 Size of chevrons for temperature adjutment
pending number 3 Seconds to wait in control mode until state changes are sent back to the server
idle_zone number 2 Degrees of minimum difference between set points when thermostat supports both heating and cooling
ambient_temperature string optional An entity id of a sensor to use as ambient_temperature instead of the one provided by the thermostat

Example Lovelace UI:

yaml configuraton


  - platform: mqtt
    name: Bed room
    #availability_topic: "bedroom/ac/availability/get"

    current_temperature_topic: "tele/s_6/CALC"
    current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.BMP280.Temperature }}"
    temperature_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/temperature/set"

    power_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/power/set"

    mode_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/mode/set"
    #mode_state_topic: "bedroom/ac/mode/get"

    fan_mode_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/fan/set"
    #fan_mode_state_topic: "bedroom/ac/fan/get"

    swing_mode_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/swing/set"
    #swing_mode_state_topic: "bedroom/ac/swing/get"

    hold_command_topic: "bedroom/ac/hold/set"
    #hold_state_topic: "bedroom/ac/hold/get"

    initial: 5
    retain: true
    min_temp: 5
    max_temp: 30
    temp_step: 0.5
    precision: 0.1
      - "auto"
      - "off"
      - "heat"
      #- "cool"
      #- "fan_only"
      #- "dry"
      - "on"
      - "off"
      - "high"
      - "medium"
      - "low"
      - "auto"
      - "On"
      - "Idle"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Living room
    #availability_topic: "living/ac/availability/get"

    current_temperature_topic: "tele/s_3/CALC"
    current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.BMP280.Temperature }}"
    temperature_command_topic: "living/ac/temperature/set"

    power_command_topic: "living/ac/power/set"

    mode_command_topic: "living/ac/mode/set"
    #mode_state_topic: "living/ac/mode/get"

    fan_mode_command_topic: "living/ac/fan/set"
    #fan_mode_state_topic: "living/ac/fan/get"

    swing_mode_command_topic: "living/ac/swing/set"
    #swing_mode_state_topic: "living/ac/swing/get"

    hold_command_topic: "living/ac/hold/set"
    #hold_state_topic: "living/ac/hold/get"

    initial: 5
    retain: true
    min_temp: 5
    max_temp: 30
    temp_step: 0.5
    precision: 0.1
      - "auto"
      - "off"
      - "heat"
      - "cool"
      - "fan_only"
      - "dry"
      - "on"
      - "off"
      - "high"
      - "medium"
      - "low"
      - "auto"
      - "On"
      - "Idle"

Lovelace UI configuration

Add the following lines to your ui-lovelace.yaml:


  - type: module
    url: /local/community/au190_thermostat_card/au190_thermostat_card.js

  - ambient_temperature: sensor.living_room_temp
    entity: climate.living_room
    small_i: true
    title: Living room
    type: 'custom:au190-thermostat-card'
  - ambient_temperature: sensor.bed_room_temp
    entity: climate.bed_room
    small_i: true
    title: Bed room
    type: 'custom:au190-thermostat-card'
type: horizontal-stack

  - ambient_temperature: sensor.bed_room_temp
    chevron_size: 50
    entity: climate.bed_room
    highlight_tap: false
    no_card: false
    small_i: true
    step: 1
    title: Bed room
    type: 'custom:au190-thermostat-card'
  - ambient_temperature: sensor.living_room_temp
    chevron_size: 50
    entity: climate.living_room
    highlight_tap: false
    no_card: false
    small_i: true
    step: 1
    title: Living room
    type: 'custom:au190-thermostat-card'
type: horizontal-stack

  - ambient_temperature: sensor.bed_room_temp
    entity: climate.bed_room
    title: Bed Room
    type: 'custom:au190-thermostat-card'
type: horizontal-stack


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