audiorouterdev / audio-router

Routes audio from programs to different audio devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.51k stars 420 forks source link

Audio Router

I created a similar app that does exactly what CheVolume does, except this is free at least for now. I tried to make a public post about it here on /r/software, but apparently they don't allow any download links to unknown apps in a text post.

If you want to test it out, here's the download link (64-bit).

If you don't have a 64 bit OS, here's the 32 bit version.

Here's a simple gif to show how it's used.

For all feature requests/bugs/feedback, you can send me a PM. I highly appreciate all of them. The thread is now archived, so unfortunately you can't reply to it anymore.

Version 0.10.2 of Audio Router released! Download it from the original links above.

Changelog 0.10.2:

Changelog 0.10.1:

Changelog 0.10:

Changelog 0.8.5:

Changelog 0.8:



Changelog 0.7.3:

Changelog 0.7.1:

Changelog 0.7:

Changelog 0.6:

Current known bugs:

Minimum supported OS version: Windows 7

Since many people have been asking for this, here's a link for PayPal donation if you want to give your support. Naturally, I highly appreciate any amount of donation you are willing to make!