augustash / capistrano-ash

August Ash recipes for Capistrano
MIT License
73 stars 12 forks source link

h2. Installation

gem install capistrano-ash

h2. Overview

Run the following commands in the command line from the project's root directory

    capify .
    rm -Rf config/deploy.rb; mkdir -p config/deploy
    touch config/deploy/staging.rb config/deploy/production.rb

After you have edited your @Capfile@ and @staging.rb@ and @production.rb@ files, you will need to run the following command only once per environment:

    cap staging deploy:setup
    cap production deploy:setup

h2. Deploying Magento

Check the "Wiki": for detailed installation instructions.

h2. Deploying WordPress

Check the "Wiki": for detailed installation instructions.

"WordPress on shared hosting": "WordPress on virtual or dedicated servers":

h2. Deploying Drupal example

The capistrano/ash/drupal library takes a hash of Drupal multisites in the following format.

@set :multisites, {"default" => "", "another" => ""}@

where each key is a folder in your @sites@ directory and each value is the URL of the multisite. If you are not using multisites, just exclude the @:multisites@ variable definition.

Check the "Wiki": for detailed configuration instructions. "Drupal on virtual or dedicated servers": "Drupal on shared hosting":

h2. Deploying Zend or Zend/Doctrine example

h3. Capfile

    # Capfile
    load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator

    # --------------------------------------------
    # :application HAS TO BE DEFINED BEFORE
    # REQUIRING 'ash/zend_doctrine' LIBRARY
    # --------------------------------------------
    set :application, "BEST_APP_EVER"

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Define required Gems/libraries
    # --------------------------------------------
    require 'ash/zend_doctrine'

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Setting defaults
    # --------------------------------------------
    # IP-address or host's servername
    role :app, ""
    role :web, ""
    role :db,  "", :primary => true

    # VCS information.
    set :repository, ""
    set :scm_username, "SVN_USER"
    set :scm_password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Subversion password for '#{scm_username}':")}

    # SSH login credentials
    set :user, "SSH_USER"
    set :password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("SSH password for '#{user}':")}

    # Deploy to file path
    set(:deploy_to)  { "/var/www/#{application}/#{stage}" }

    # Database credentials
    set :dbuser, "DB_USER_NAME"

    # Define which files or directories you want to exclude from being backed up
    set(:backup_exclude) { [ "var/" ] }

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calling our Methods
    # --------------------------------------------
    before "deploy:update_code", "deploy:setup_backup"
    after "deploy:setup_backup", "backup"
    after "deploy:setup_shared", "app:setup_shared"
    after "zend:symlink", "app:symlink"

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Application Specific Custom Methods
    # --------------------------------------------
    namespace :app do
      desc "Setup shared directories and permissions specific to the application"
      task :setup_shared, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
        run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/media"
        sudo "chmod -R 777 #{shared_path}/*"

      desc "Symlink shared directories specific to the application"
      task :symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do
        run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/media #{current_release}/public/media"

h3. config/deploy/staging.rb

    # config/deploy/staging.rb

    # Deploy site using Capistrano
    # Usage:
    # cap staging deploy:setup
    # cap staging deploy

    # Database Name
    set :dbname, "DB_NAME"

    # Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/staging/backups)
    set :backups_path,  "#{deploy_to}/backups"

h3. config/deploy/production.rb

    # config/deploy/production.rb

    # Deploy site using Capistrano
    # Usage:
    # cap production deploy:setup
    # cap production deploy

    # Database Name
    set :dbname, "DB_NAME"

    # Backups Path (/var/www/#{application}/production/backups)
    set :backups_path,  "#{deploy_to}/backups"