aureness / firefoxCSS-Safari

Firefox custom theme inspired by Safari
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

Firefox Safari theme

Screenshot of the Firefox browser with my theme

Inspired by Apple Safari design. I've tried to mimic as close as I can (and as I want).

Some styles are based on the vinceliuice/WhiteSur-firefox-theme. I have added you to the LICENSE and mentioned here :)


Add this line yo your userChrome.css

@import "safari/theme.css";

If you don't know what is userChrome.css read the manual:

Go to about:config in Firefox. Search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets and set it to true.

Customize your Toolbar: move buttons around.

Add some plugins like:


You can comment out (or comment in!) lines from the safari/theme.css file in the /* OPTIONS */ section.

For example: if you don't like how tabbar is hidden when there is only one tab, comment this line:

/* @import "parts/hide-single-tab.css" */

All options:

@import "parts/sticky-tabs.css"; /* active tab will be always visible at the edge of the window  */
@import "parts/drag-window-toolbar.css"; /* dragging by clicking toolbar */
@import "parts/hide-menu-btn.css"; /* hide menu button and use global menu instead */
@import "parts/hide-single-tab.css"; /* hide tabbar if only one page is opened */
@import "parts/tabs-fill-tabbar.css"; /* wide tabs filling all tabbar, no max-width */
@import "parts/tab-close-btn-left.css"; /* show close tab btn at left */
@import "parts/tab-close-btn-only-active-tab.css"; /* always show close btn only on active tab, and on hover on others */
@import "parts/fade-tab-title-inactive-wnd.css"; /* tab title if fade in grey if window is not focused */
@import "parts/custom-icons.css"; /* custom icons in macOS style */
@import "parts/hide-all-tabs-btn.css"; /* hide All tabs button with drop down menu */