aurgatech / linux-binaries

This repository contains linux (linkable) binaries for different linux distributions
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
10 stars 1 forks source link


This repository contains linux (linkable) binaries for different linux distributions

Check if the computer supports OpenGL 3 or OpenGLES.

$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL

Prebuilt binaries

We have built x64 OpenGL3 and OpenGLES2 binaries with gcc/g++ 5.


The binaries work in Ubuntu 1604+/Debian/Fedora/CentOS/Linux Mint/Kali/PopOS/Deepin and so on.

If the binaries don't work on your x64 machines. Please try to build ffmpeg and link AURGAViewer by yourself.

Add udev rules to access raw keyboard/mouse events in userspace

Create udev rules to allow AURGA Viewer to access raw keyboard/mouse device in userspace, otherwise input function will not work in app.

$sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input-permissions.rules

Paste the line in 99-input-permissions.rules

KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", MODE="0666", GROUP="input"

Apply the rules:

$sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Install dependencies

For Ubuntu & Debian

sudo apt install -y gcc g++ libudev-dev nasm

If the graphics card supports OpenGLES2.

sudo apt install -y libgles2-mesa-dev

For Redhat/CentOS/Fedora

sudo yum install -y gcc g++ make nasm libudev-devel mesa-libGL

If the graphics card supports OpenGLES2.

sudo yum install -y mesa-libGLES

Build ffmpeg

tar xvf ffmpeg-6.0.tar.xz
./configure --prefix=output --enable-shared --enable-static --disable-programs --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-swresample --disable-postproc --disable-avfilter --disable-network  --disable-avdevice --disable-everything --enable-decoder=h264
make & make install

Copy libavcodec.a libavutil.a libavformat.a libswscale.a from output/lib/ to AURGA Viewer's build folder with AURGAViewer.a & libmatoya.a.

Link AURGA Viewer

For OpenGL 3

gcc AURGAViewer.a libmatoya.a libavcodec.a libavutil.a libavformat.a libswscale.a -fPIC -ldl -lpthread -ludev -lm -lstdc++ -o AURGAViewer

For OpenGLES

gcc AURGAViewer.a libmatoya.a libavcodec.a libavutil.a libavformat.a libswscale.a -fPIC -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lpthread -ludev -lm -lstdc++ -ldl -o AURGAViewer

Run AURGA Viewer


Error Handlings

If the Linux distro (ClearOS, CentOS 5) uses lower libstdc++ versions, it might report errors when running AURGAViewer

/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found 

We could build gcc 5.4.0 to fix this issue.

Build gcc 5.4.0

#wget tar
#tar xvf gcc-5.4.0.tar.gz 
#cd gcc-5.4.0
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-checking=release --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib
#make & make install


#cp -Rf /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64
#rm -Rf /usr/lib64/
#ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Now we could run the prebuilt binaries.