auronen / DecDat

Gottfried's DecDat updated.
MIT License
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Originally built by Gottfried: original release post

While working on Phoenix I had to decompile compiled scripts from an older demo so it could be passed on to people doing alpha version research. To do this, I changed the source code of DecDat to work on the old .DAT file format.

When I was at it I fixed the string substitution feature and int to instance substitution.

String substitution

The decompiled code now shows the string literals instead of the const string of the string literal.


description = ˙10722;


description = "ENDE";

Instance substitution

Due to the way how Daedalus treats instances (they are basically symbol table indicies) the integers get decompiled back and the instance information is lost.

As a quick fix I introduced instance substitution, every integer higher than 60 is checked whether it is also an instance and then the substitution occurs. This is not a bullet proof solution, so the original integer is placed as a comment right after the substituted instance identifier.


if(npc_knowsinfo(hero, 12408)) {
    return true;


if(npc_knowsinfo(hero, info_xardasdemon_intro /*12408*/)) {
    return true;