ausbin / nsdo

run a command in a Linux network namespace
MIT License
40 stars 6 forks source link


This repository holds my system configuration for running particular applications under OpenVPN, Cisco AnyConnect, or GlobalProtect VPNs on Ubuntu. Here are my two simultaneous usecases:

  1. Run clients for some peer-to-peer protocols through OpenVPN without affecting other traffic, like browsing Wikipedia, which blocks edits from my VPN provider
  2. ssh into a cluster on my university's network via a Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect VPN without sending my personal traffic through my university's network

Putting these two VPNs in their own Linux network namespaces and having a command that lets me run an application in a namespace, like

$ nsdo gatech ssh

addresses both usecases well, and that's what this repository does.

However, the story does not end with network namespaces thanks to /etc/resolv.conf, which needs a different version for all three network namespaces involved. ip netns exec attempts to work around this on every execution by making a new mount namespace and bind-mounting each file in /etc/netns/NSNAME/ to /etc/. So theoretically, to fix our resolv.conf problem, you would write the VPN-specific DNS configuration to /etc/netns/NSNAME/resolv.conf; but /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf on my system. So iproute2 ends up bind-mounting to that link destination, killing the bind mount when something rename()s that volatile file.

So this repository takes a different approach: create a single mount namespace corresponding to the network namespace, and inside it, mount /var/ns-etc/NSNAME/ with overlayfs on top of /etc/. Then, when we run something in the network namespace, nsdo will call setns() for this mount namespace as well as the network namespace. It mounts /var/ns-etc/NSNAME/ as the overlayfs "upper layer", so changes made in the namespace actually persist in /var/ns-etc/NSNAME/ rather than /etc/. It cannot mount /etc/netns/NSNAME/ because overlayfs gets upset at the overlap in paths.

For convenience, the nsdo binary has the setuid bit set, giving it root privileges, which allows it to change namespaces, setuid() to the user who ran the command, and then exec() the requested command.


Clone this repository and run:

$ make
$ sudo make install install-anyconnect install-openvpn

To change the default installation directory of /usr/local, set PREFIX to something else when you call both make and make install. Leave off any of install-anyconnect or install-openvpn if you don't want those configurations.

Cisco AnyConnect

I use openconnect, a free-as-in-freedom client for Cisco AnyConnect VPNs available in a distribution's repository near you.

The install-anyconnect target of the Makefile mentioned above will create an openconnect@.service systemd unit. If you create a profile named gatech.conf in /usr/local/share/openconnect/, you should be able to sudo systemctl start openconnect@gatech and then be on your way.

A profile (say, /usr/local/share/openconnect/gatech.conf) looks like this:


It's messy, but lines starting with -- are long options passed directly to openconnect (see openconnect(8) for a list of long options). Anything else must be one of the three keys above (server, pass1, pass2), which the openconnect-wrapper in this repository processes and handles for you.

If pass1=... is missing in the profile (the better choice security-wise), you'll need to input it with systemd-tty-ask-password-agent as shown in the example below.

pass2 is also optional. It's the second line of the password sent to the server; the Georgia Tech VPN interprets push as "send me a 2FA push notification on my phone". After I approve the 2FA request on my phone, the VPN connects and I'm good to go.

If this setup causes trouble on your machine, please open an issue. I want to make this robust, but I don't know much about others' VPN configurations, so I'm making this up as I go.

ssh Configuration with ProxyCommand

It's easy to forget the nsdo gatech in front of an ssh command, so I added the following to my ~/.ssh/config (last line is the important one):

Host pace
    User aadams80
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pace
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/nsdo gatech /usr/bin/nc %h %p

Then I can login with simply

$ ssh pace

Finished Product

$ sudo systemctl start openconnect@gatech
$ sudo systemd-tty-ask-password-agent    # only needed without pass1 in profile
Password for AnyConnect VPN gatech: *******
[Approve the 2FA request on my phone]
$ nsdo gatech curl
$ whois
OrgName:        Georgia Institute of Technology
OrgId:          GIT-Z
Address:        756 W Peachtree ST
City:           Atlanta
StateProv:      GA
PostalCode:     30308
Country:        US

Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect

The Palo Alto Networks website asserts that "GlobalProtect™ is more than a VPN." I agree — it's also a pain in the neck! Thankfully, openconnect has support for GlobalProtect VPNs, so the code from the AnyConnect section above works for GlobalProtect as well.

My configuration file for the new Georgia Tech GlobalProtect VPN (/usr/local/share/openconnect/gatech.conf) looks like this, pretty similar to the AnyConnect example above:


There was one catch, which is the following error openconnect was throwing:

2 gateway servers available:
  DC Gateway (
  NI Gateway (
Please select GlobalProtect gateway.
GATEWAY: [DC Gateway|NI Gateway]:***
User input required in non-interactive mode

Adding an --authgroup argument to the configuration above as described in the documentation fixed the problem for me:

--authgroup=DC Gateway

Otherwise, the advice in the AnyConnection section applies to GlobalProtect.


The install-openvpn Makefile target above installs a systemd drop-in configuration file for openvpn-client@.service at /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service.d/50-netns.conf. If you don't have a /usr/lib/systemd/system/openvpn-client@.service, here's a link to an upstream copy.

At the bottom of a normal openvpn configuration file in /etc/openvpn/client/ (say, /etc/openvpn/client/foo.conf), you should be able to add the following:

# ... (rest of configuration) ...

# script should run `ip`, not openvpn
up "/usr/local/bin/openvpn-ns"
route-up "/usr/local/bin/openvpn-ns"
script-security 2

Then you should be able to sudo systemctl start openvpn-client@foo. If you encounter problems, please open an issue because I want to understand others' VPN/OS situations better.

Finished Product

$ sudo systemctl start openvpn-client@foo
$ nsdo foo some-graphical-p2p-application &

Forwarding Ports into a Namespace

By design, applications cannot connect to ports bound in other network namespaces. So if you have a server running in some other network namespace with nsdo (e.g., a headless peer-to-peer client), you cannot connect to it from the default network namespace. For example:

$ nsdo foo nc -l -p 6969 <<<"hi!" &
$ nc -v localhost 6969 <<<"hello"
localhost [] 6969: Connection refused
$ nsdo foo nc -v localhost 6969 <<<"hello"

You can work around this using veth, a kernel feature designed to allow network namespaces to communicate. veth interfaces act just like any interface but come in pairs — one for each namespace.

The veth systemd unit

I added a new systemd unit, foo-veth.service in /etc/systemd/system/ that looks like this:

Description=veth for foo netns

# configure our end
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link add ns-foo up type veth peer name ns-def netns foo
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip addr add dev ns-foo
# configure vpn end
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip -netns foo link set dev ns-def up
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip -netns foo addr add dev ns-def
# tear down everything
ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip link del ns-foo


I would make this a template unit named veth@.service and commit it to this repository so you can install it with the Makefile, but I am not sure how best to allocate IP address spaces (e.g., based off the instance name (e.g., foo). Once I created that, though, I enabled the unit (--now will start it right now):

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable --now foo-veth

Now, if you run ip link both inside and outside the namespace, you can see the veth interfaces:

$ ip link
12: ns-foo@if3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ee:05:c1:aa:83:26 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netns foo
$ nsdo foo ip link
3: ns-def@if12: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ee:e1:0b:b9:6b:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0

For convenience, I would add the name of the namespace to /etc/hosts:  foo

Now the example from earlier "works", like this:

$ nsdo foo nc -l -p 6970 <<<"hi!" &
$ nc -v foo 6970 <<<"hello"

Configuring the Server

Now, suppose we have a more realistic situation: we want to run a server in the namespace that isn't just an instance of netcat, like an HTTP server. Assuming the server has some systemd unit original-server.service, you can add a drop-in configuration file for it at /etc/systemd/system/original-server.service.d/50-netns.conf as follows (/usr/bin/the-original-server --original --args is the original command line from /lib/systemd/system/original-server.service or wherever):


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nsdo foo /usr/bin/the-original-server --original --args

Then start it up:

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart original-server

Now you should be able to access it from the default network namespace. For example, if it's an HTTP server listening on port 6969:

$ curl http://foo:6969/
hello, world!

Port forwarding with iptables

Suppose the server is now peacefully listening on port 6969 in the foo network namespace. If you want other machines on the network to be able to access that server via port 6969 on the host machine, you can use iptables:

# iptables -A PREROUTING ! -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6969 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -A POSTROUTING -o ns-foo -j MASQUERADE
# iptables-save

Now, on another machine, we should be able to access the machine running the server:

$ curl http://originalmachine:6969/
hello, world!


MIT/X11 License


nsdo(1)               General Commands Manual              nsdo(1)

       nsdo - run a command in a network namespace

       nsdo namespace command [args ...]

       nsdo { --version | -V }

       Execute  command  as the current user/group in namespace, a
       Linux network namespace set up with the accompanying  netns
       script or iproute2 (see ip-netns(8)).

       By  default, netns and iproute2 place network namespaces in
       /var/run/netns/, so nsdo searces for namespaces there  (in‐
       cluding  namespace).  netns also places mount namespaces in
       /var/run/mountns/     corresponding     to     those     in
       /var/run/netns/,  so  in addition to the network namespace,
       nsdo will enter into a corresponding mount namespace if  it
       exists. This way, files in /var/ns-etc/NSNAME/ will show up
       at /etc/ for applications run using nsdo NSNAME;  this  no‐
       tably includes resolv.conf.

       To  prevent  command  from  easily  escaping  the namespace
       'jail,' nsdo will exit if the current namespace  exists  in
       that  directory.   Consequently, you can not nest instances
       of nsdo.

       --version, -V
              Instead of running a command, print  nsdo's  version
              and exit.

       ip(8), ip-netns(8), namespaces(7), nsenter(1)

                            2020-01-23                     nsdo(1)