auspi / gobble

Gobbly Wobble Boo
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Gobbly Wobble Boo

Steps to be followed during first deploy on heroku prod:

* Go to heroku web
* create new app with app name {heroku_app_name}
* Go to deploy tab
* enable git hub integration
* select your github repo and branch
* click connect
* enable auto deploy
* click deploy
* go to settings
* click Reveal Config Vars
* add DEBUG with value false
* add host with value {heroku_app_name}
* This will finalize your deployment process
* You will need to setup create your first superuser:

    * for this you will need heroku setup on you machine
    * please follow getting started with heroku to download heroku on your local system
    * then run `heroku run --app {heroku_app_name} python createsuperuser`

After this when ever you push your code to this repo, auto deploy will be initiated.

for local setup:

* if you want to run heroku local:

    * delete `` if exist
    * update `.env` file with your heroku app name
    * run `heroku local`

* if you want to use you local setup:

    * make sure that you have pstgress install and database created with settings from `settings/`
    * rename as
    * run `python collecstatic`
    * run `python migrate`
    * run `python runserver`