austin-carnahan / software-engineering-24

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Front end View and back end logic for "Budget Form" #9

Closed austin-carnahan closed 1 month ago

austin-carnahan commented 2 months ago

As a user, I want to input and submit my budget information, so that I can track my finances effectively.

Frontend View:

Backend Logic:

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Form displays all required fields, marked with an asterisk (*)
  2. Numeric fields only accept valid numbers
  3. Savings goal is expressed as a percentage
  4. Form prevents submission if required fields are empty
  5. Error messages appear next to relevant fields
  6. Loading indicator displays during form submission
  7. API responds with appropriate status codes (400 for errors, 201 for success)
  8. Database record includes timestamp of budget creation
  9. Calculations are accurate to two decimal places
  10. User receives a budget summary within 3 seconds of successful submission
  11. System handles concurrent requests without data corruption