austin-carnahan / software-engineering-24

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Personal Budget Management and Savings Forecasting System

Project Overview

The Personal Budget Management and Savings Forecasting System is a comprehensive application designed to help users effectively manage their monthly budgets and set achievable savings goals. By leveraging user data on income and expenditures, the system provides detailed forecasts and analyses, assisting users in better financial planning.

Core Features

Additional Features

Technical Details

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd software-engineering-24

Running the app locally

1) python -m venv venv 2) source venv/Scripts/activate # On Windows 3) source venv/bin/activate # On macOS/Linux 4) pip install -r requirements.txt 5) python or flask run 6) a) Navigate to the templates/home.html File, Open your code editor and navigate to the templates/home.html file. b) Use Live Server Right-click on home.html and select the option to open with Live Server. This will start a local server and open your default browser to view the HTML file.

Needs more documentation!

  1. Activate virtual environment, if using
  2. Install needed dependencies from requirements.txt
  3. From the root project directory, run:

flask --app app run

Design Diagrams




Team Members 1) Raghunath Kunigiri: 2) Gowthamsai Mukthineni: 3) Sai Goutham Chedhella: 4) Austin Carnahan: 5) Saaisathish Sankarabhattar Ayyappan: