A repository built by four developers using HTML, CSS Frameworks, third party API's,
and Javascript. Launching a creative website, that searches for upcoming events
that are involved with the designated concert venue. Upon the search, the website
will display multiple preformers upcoming at concert venue selected.
You will also be provided with ticket information if you're tempted to buy.
I WANT to land on a page
WHERE I will have the opportunity to search for a concert venue.
THEN I am presented a list of upcoming artist playing at the specific venue.
SIMULTANEOUSLY showing a artist name, date, and genre of the artist,
AND a presentation of ticket infomation upon search.
[Ticketmaster] (https://developer.ticketmaster.com/)
[Serpapi-API] (https://serpapi.com/search.json?engine=google_events)
[CSS-Frameworks-using-Bulma] (https://bulma.io/)
Note: Upon searching, you most likely will get an error of a CORS issue, follow this link and the second API should be functional. [Cors-anywhere] (https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/corsdemo)