austinvhuang / openmemex

Open source, local-first knowledge platform.
Apache License 2.0
209 stars 9 forks source link


OpenMemex is an open source, local-first knowledge integration platform (aka "second brain" or "knowledge garden") optimized for automation (including caching and indexing of content) as well as enabling neural network machine learning integrations.

What is OpenMemex for?


OpenMemex is designed to maximize a user's leverage as a brain cache/co-processor while minimizing curation friction. In contrast to productivity tools that require substantial user investment to organize and manage information using a centralized service:

The goal is to enable a minimally-disruptive wiretap into one's (often-messy) stream of conscious intake and production of information, then automate organization/indexing for future consumption. Major content platforms today are able to accumulate content, asynchronously aggregate and serve content to maximize user engagement, while users are required to consume ephemeral recommendations synchronously with no composability between platforms. OpenMemex aims to give individual users tools to integrate content across multiple platforms and index/consume content asynchronously.

Contributing and Current Project State

The implementation is currently at functioning pre-alpha MVP maturity. It should primarily be used by contributing developers at this point.

There's lots of functionality to fill in and we're happy to have contributors join development, can DM @austinvhuang on twitter, message me on the Hasktorch slack server, or join the OpenMemex discord (link fixed as of 10/24/2021).

Implementer Notes

The app is a self-hosted server (Haskell Servant) which hosts a web ui (Rust/Yew - wasm) and persists your data as a sqlite data store.

The central data structure is a time stamped event stream. Notes or links to external sites can be captured as events (eventually there may be other types of event data - audio/photos/etc).

The general pattern of use is that the event stream is intended to persist both he intake and production of information. A link to a piece of information (e.g. a blog, a video, a paper, etc.) can be persisted as an event and it is automatically time stamped with the time of the capture. An idea or thought can also be captured as a note, with the note persisted as an event at the time it is written. Both links and notes can be annotated with relevant topic tags.

For links to external sites, a headless browser automatically caches the content of the link and stores it to create a local cached database of contents of all externally linked data. Besides the content cache and topic tags, each event has a few pieces (still-evolving) of additional metadata - a text note which can be edited to annotate the event, and a completion flag (intended to indicate that an event has bene "worked" by the user).

Events can be filtered and retrieved in three ways - search, time, and topics. Search functionality allows searching the stream (including locally cached content of links), time filters events by their time stamp, topic filters events by topic tags.

Project Organization

There are currently 3 main components.

There's also placeholder directories (consisting of a single .gitkeep file) where artifacts are intended to be stored:

Installation & Building

Warning - installation is still finicky at this stage. Ping @austinvhuang on twitter or on the hasktorch slack if you run into issues.

System Dependencies

Make sure you have system dependencies:

On linux, run:

make install-dependencies

This runs apt-get and snap to install the above packages.

Haskell Tools

Install ormolu and ghcid:

make install-haskell-tools

This runs stack install ormolu ghcid

Shared libraries - libtorch & tokenizers

Libtorch is a shared runtime library dependency.

For now the cpu build is probably sufficient since most operations are model inference.

make libtorch/lib/

Building shared library dependencies can be a bit tricky and simplification work is needed here, for now if you run into difficulties do ask for help.

Environment variables

Set shared library paths:

source setenv

Web frontend and API server

The frontend uses the Yew frontend framework which allows developing web apps using webassembly in the rust programming language.

The rust wasm toolchain can be a bit tricky to setup. Have a look at this yew tutorial and/or the yew docs if you run into difficulties.

First build the wasm artifact:

cd frontend

This creates wasm_bg.wasm in the frontend/static directory. The frontend/static is hosted by the servant server.

Setup environment variables with source setenv if you haven't already and start the server:

stack run server

You should be in the top level directory. The first time this runs it creates an openmemex.db sqlite file in the directory. If the file exists already, the server will read/write data from openmemex.db as its data store.

To get to the main UI, point a browser to:


Things to do

See the kanban board