is a software for generating and benchmarking machine learning (ML)-based interatomic potentials. The aim of autoplex
is to provide a fully automated solution for creating high-quality ML potentials. The software is interfaced to multiple different ML potential fitting frameworks and to the atomate2 and ase environments for efficient high-throughput computations. The vision of this project is to allow a wide community of researchers to create accurate and reliable ML potentials for materials simulations.
is developed jointly by two research groups at BAM Berlin and the University of Oxford.
is an evolving project and contributions are very welcome! To ensure that the code remains of high quality, please raise a pull request for any contributions, which will be reviewed before integration into the main branch of the code. Initially, @JaGeo will handle the reviews.
You can find the autoplex
documentation here!
The documentation also contains tutorials that teach you how to use autoplex
for different use cases.
We expect the general user of autoplex
to be familiar with the Materials Project framework software tools and related
packages for (high-throughput) workflow submission and management.
This involves the following software packages:
All of these software tools provide documentation and tutorials. Please take your time and check everything out!
To set up the mandatory prerequisites for using autoplex,
please follow the installation guide of atomate2.
After setting up atomate2
, make sure to add VASP_INCAR_UPDATES: {"NPAR": number}
in your ~/atomate2/config/atomate2.yaml
Set a number that is a divisor of the number of tasks you use for the VASP calculations.
Before the installation, please make sure that you are using one of the supported Python versions (see pyproject.toml)
Please install autoplex
using pip install git+
. This will install all the Python packages and dependencies needed for MLIP fits. We will release a version of autoplex
to PyPI in the next few weeks.
Additionally, to fit and validate ACEpotentials
, one also needs to install Julia, as Autoplex relies on ACEpotentials, which supports fitting of linear ACE. Currently, no Python package exists for the same.
Please run the following commands to enable the ACEpotentials
fitting options and further functionality.
Install Julia v1.9.2
curl -fsSL | sh -s -- default-channel 1.9.2
Once installed in the terminal, run the following commands to get Julia ACEpotentials dependencies.
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.Registry.add("General"); Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.Registry.RegistrySpec(url="")); Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(;name="ACEpotentials", version="0.6.7")); Pkg.add("DataFrames"); Pkg.add("CSV")'
Additionally, buildcell
as a part of AIRSS
needs to be installed if one wants to use the RSS functionality:
curl -O; tar -xf airss-0.9.3.tgz; rm airss-0.9.3.tgz; cd airss; make ; make install ; make neat; cd ..
A short guide to contributing to autoplex can be found here. Additional information for developers can be found here.
We currently have two different types of automation workflows available: