autofuzz2020 / AutoFuzz

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The current repo is not actively maintained. Instead, we have moved all the content of AutoFuzz along with new updates to Please open issues there or email us for questions/help. Thank you!


This repo consists of demos and code accompanying the paper "Neural Network Guided Evolutionary Fuzzing for Finding Traffic Violations of Autonomous Vehicles".

Current support of stacks

Current support of algorithms

Found Traffic Violation Demos

pid-1 controller collides with a pedestrian:

pid-2 controller collides with the stopped leading car:

lbc controller is going wrong lane:

Apollo6.0 collides with a school bus:

Uniqueness Definition for Traffic Violation Demos

A Found Traffic Violation

A Highly Similar One

A Distinct One


Install pyenv and python3.8

install pyenv

curl -L | bash

install python

pyenv install -s 3.8.5
pyenv global 3.8.5
pyenv rehash
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

add the following lines to the end of ~/.bashrc to make sure pyenv is active when openning a new terminal

eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Environment Setup

In ~/Docuements/self-driving-cars,

git clone

Install environment

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install pytorch on its official website via pip.

Install pytroch-lightening

pip3 install pytorch-lightning==0.8.5



Installation of Carla

This code uses CARLA You will need to first install CARLA, along with the additional maps. See link for more instructions.

For convenience, the following commands can be used to install carla

Download CARLA_0.9.9.4.tar.gz and AdditionalMaps_0.9.9.4.tar.gz from link, put it at the same level of this repo, and run

mkdir carla_0994_no_rss
tar -xvzf CARLA_0.9.9.4.tar.gz -C carla_0994_no_rss

move AdditionalMaps_0.9.9.4.tar.gz to carla_0994_no_rss/Import/ and in the folder carla_0994_no_rss/ run:


Then, run

cd carla_0994_no_rss/PythonAPI/carla/dist
easy_install carla-0.9.9-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg

Download a LBC pretrained model

LBC model is one of the models supported to be tested. A pretrained-model's checkpoint can be found here

Go to the "files" tab, and download the model weights, named "epoch=24.ckpt". Move this model's checkpoint to the models folder (May need to create models folder under this repo's folder).

Run Fuzzing

python -p 2015 -s 8791 -d 8792 --n_gen 2 --pop_size 2 -r 'town07_front_0' -c 'go_straight_town07' --algorithm_name nsga2-un --has_run_num 4 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5

python -p 2021 -s 8795 -d 8796 --n_gen 15 --pop_size 50 -r 'town07_front_0' -c 'go_straight_town07' --algorithm_name nsga2-un --has_run_num 700 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --rank_mode adv_nn --warm_up_path <path-to-warm-up-run-folder> --warm_up_len 500 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5 --has_display 0 --record_every_n_step 5 --only_run_unique_cases 1

# AVFuzzer
python -p 2018 -s 8793 -d 8794 --n_gen 200 --pop_size 4 -r 'town07_front_0' -c 'go_straight_town07' --algorithm_name avfuzzer --has_run_num 700 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5 --has_display 0 --record_every_n_step 5 --only_run_unique_cases 0 --n_offsprings 50

STACK2: SVL2021.3+Apollo Master


Install SVL2021.3 and Apollo Master following the documentation of Running latest Apollo with SVL Simulator.

Install SVL Python API

git clone

Following the installation procedure at

Add channel_extraction

git clone

and put the folder channel_extraction inside apollo/cyber/python/cyber_py3/ and put inside apollo. Note that this step is preferred to be done before building apollo ./ build_opt_gpu to avoid extra building step.

Create Apollo Master in Vehicles

SVL does not have a default "Apollo Master" for "Lincoln2017MKZ" under "Vehicles". To create one, one can duplicate "Apollo 5.0" and then add sensors "Clock Sensor" and "Signal Sensor" from "Apollo 6.0 (modular testing)".

Other preparation

Need to change the field model_id in svl_specific to one's own model_id on svl web UI.

Run Fuzzing

Start Apollo and SVL API only respectively following the documentation of Running latest Apollo with SVL Simulator.

Then in a second terminal: Find apollo docker container id via:

docker ps

then entering the docker via:

docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash

install zmq via pip in the docker:

pip install zmq

and finally run the channel_extraction


Finally, in a third terminal: If running GA-UN and using apollo with ground-truth traffic signal:

python --simulator svl --n_gen 2 --pop_size 2 --algorithm_name nsga2-un --has_run_num 4 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5 --episode_max_time 35 --ego_car_model apollo_6_with_signal --route_type 'BorregasAve_left' --scenario_type 'turn_left_one_ped_and_one_vehicle' --record_every_n_step 5 --n_offsprings 50

Or if running GA-UN and using apollo with ground-truth perception:

python --simulator svl --n_gen 2 --pop_size 2 --algorithm_name nsga2-un --has_run_num 4 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5 --episode_max_time 35 --ego_car_model apollo_6_modular --route_type 'BorregasAve_left' --scenario_type 'one_ped_crossing' --record_every_n_step 5 --n_offsprings 100

Or if running AVFuzzer

python --simulator svl --n_gen 50 --pop_size 4 --algorithm_name avfuzzer --has_run_num 100 --objective_weights -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --check_unique_coeff 0 0.1 0.5 --episode_max_time 35 --ego_car_model apollo_6_with_signal --only_run_unique_cases 0 --route_type 'BorregasAve_left' --scenario_type 'turn_left_one_ped_and_one_vehicle' --record_every_n_step 5


python svl_script/

Add a new map

Inside docker,

sudo bash scripts/ YOUR_MAP_FOLDER_NAME

restart Dreamview to refresh the map list stop &&

Additional Tools

Cyber Recorder

STACK3: No Simulation


Need to prepare data in csv format.

Run Fuzzing

python --simulator no_simulation --n_gen 10 --pop_size 20 --algorithm_name nsga2-un --has_run_num 200 --no_simulation_data_path no_simulation_script/grid.csv --n_offsprings 50

# AVFuzzer
python --simulator no_simulation --n_gen 50 --pop_size 4 --algorithm_name avfuzzer --has_run_num 200 --no_simulation_data_path no_simulation_script/grid.csv --only_run_unique_cases 0


This repo is partially built on top of Carla Challenge (with LBC supported) and pymoo