autonity /

Documentation for the Autonity Go Client (AGC)
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autonity documentation

Piccadilly Circus Games Competition Website

Getting started


Migrating from Hugo

For best results, clone into a new directory. However, if you are unable to do that, Delete the following directories as they will conflict and prevent Quarto from building:

 - themes/     # contains docys shortcodes
 - archetypes/ # contains docsy shortcodes
 - layouts/    # contains Markup for docsy templating
 - data/       # is empty and no longer required
 - docs/       # holds the content in a format that works for Hugo (and not Quarto).
 - content/    # holds the content in a format that works for Hugo (and not Quarto). 

Publication workflow

The repo is configured to publish:

Development workflow

See the repo Wiki Page Git Workflow for when to merge or rebase branches when working on repo.

Other Piccadilly site resources

For overall site structure, see Autonity Sitemap


To contribute to this repo, please raise a pull request as per Github Flow.

Note that in order to maintain a legible Git history, this repo enforces linear history on master. To ensure that your local Git commit log is linear, you should rebase your local changes on top of origin. You can tell Git to do this for this repository by setting the Git option pull.rebase in your local checkout:

git config --local pull.rebase true

Alternatively, you can apply this setting for all your repos by replacing --local with --global.

Reference: Pro Git by Scott Chacon