This is the repo for Sam Novak's modifed JSS recipes that are setup to be used with the latest version of JSSImporter
Please note, case sensitivity.
My recipes overall are pretty flexible, so you should be able to create overrides and modify them to fit your needs pretty easily.
I've made the template files pretty flexible too, so you can modify them how you'd like to use them in your shop.
You want a policy to run at checkin. Duplicate PolicyTemplate.xml to MyPolicyTemplate.xml (or some other name) and open it Modify the line
Now open the recipe/override you want to run at checkin and modify
There are some pieces of software that require Extension Attributes to keep track of software versions, and those recipes are constructed a slightly different way.
No example currently available.
There are some pieces of software that have minimum operating system requirements (iMovie, iPhoto, etc) so in the case of these recipes the GROUP_TEMPLATE string must be changed to the appropriate template.
iMovie get updated and requires 10.10 In the iMovie recipe, change
There are also some extension attributes that are a pain to get because of the variable they use in the Info.plist file, so there is another EA template for this scenario.
Github uses a funky CFBundleShortVersion string in their Info.plist file for version tracking to work around this, there is a specific template used to track the software that reads the CFBundleVersion string instead. Now you'll be able to track github version with an Extension attribute that returns a version number.
autopkg: AdobeAIR, Blackboard Collaborate Launcher,FlashPlayerExtractPackage, Dropbox, Evernote, Firefox_EN, GoogleChrome, Handbrake, OracleJava7, OracleJava8, sassafras-k2client, Silverlight, Skype, TextWrangler, VLC
hansen-m: AdobeDigitalEditions, Endnote X7, OracleJava8JDK
hansen-m is currently the only repo offering pkg for AdobeDigitalEditions and Oracle JDK 8
scriptingosx: garageband, iMovie, iPhoto, keynote, Numbers, Pages, xcode_, XQuartz
Scriptingosx offers a number of AppStore pieces of software, along with some additional pkg recipes that are only offered there (currently)
nmcspadden: appstore (Final Cut, Compressor, etc)
Nmcspadden offers the appstore recipe, which is super useful when packaging appstore software. I use it multiple times.
cgerke-recipes: GoogleDrive, Wireshark
Cgerke-recipes offers a PKG for GoogleDrive and Wireshark, which I would otherwise have to pull from at least 2 other repos.
arubdesu: LyncInstaller
Arubdesu offers the only Lync downloader currently offered and offers a pkg recipe for it. I sort or re-package it to display the version number in the installer.
jazzace: processing
Jazzace is the only repo currently offering processing.
justinrummel: VMwareFusion
Justinrummel is the only repo currently offering a PKG of VMWareFusion
kelleysam: Github
Kelleysam offer both the download and pkg recipe for github.