ava-labs / avalanche-starter-kit

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Avalanche Starter Kit

This starter kit will get you started with developing solidity smart contract dApps on the C-Chain or on an Avalanche L1. It provides all tools to build cross-L1 dApps using Teleporter. It includes:

Set Up

This starter kit utilizes a Dev Container specification. Dev Containers use containerization to create consistent and isolated development environments. All of the above mentioned components are pre-installed in that container. These containers can be run using GitHub Codespaces or locally using Docker and VS Code. You can switch back and forth between the two options.

Run on Github Codespace

You can run them directly on Github by clicking Code, switching to the Codespaces tab and clicking Create codespace on main. A new window will open that loads the codespace. Afterwards you will see a browser version of VS code with all the dependencies installed. Codespace time out after some time of inactivity, but can be restarted.

Run Dev Container locally with Docker

Alternatively, you can run them locally. You need docker installed and VS Code with the extensions Dev Container extension. Then clone the repository and open it in VS Code. VS Code will ask you if you want to reopen the project in a container.

Starting a local Avalanche Network

To start a local Avalanche network with your own teleporter-enabled L1 inside the container follow these commands. Your Avalanche network will be completely independent of the Avalanche Mainnet and Fuji Testnet. It will have its own Primary Network (C-Chain, X-Chain & P-Chain). You will not have access to services available on Fuji (such as Chainlink services or bridges). If you require these, go to the Fuji Testnet section.

First let's create out L1 configuration. Follow the dialog and if you don't have special requirements for precompiles just follow the suggested options. For the Airdrop of the native token select "Airdrop 1 million tokens to the default ewoq address (do not use in production)". Keep the name "mysubnet" to avoid additional configuration.

avalanche blockchain create myblockchain

Now let's spin up the local Avalanche network and deploy our L1. This will also deploy the Teleporter messenger and the registry on our L1 and the C-Chain.

avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain

Make sure to add the RPC Url to the foundry.toml file if you have chosen a different name than myblockchain. If you've used myblockchain the rpc is already configured.

local-c = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc"
myblockchain = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/myblockchain/rpc"
anotherblockchain = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/BASE58_BLOCKCHAIN_ID/rpc"

Code Examples

Interchain Messaging

Interchain Token Transfer

