ava-labs / teleporter-token-bridge

Token bridging cross-chain built on top of Teleporter
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Teleporter Token Bridge


Please note that teleporter-token-bridge is still under active development and should not be used in production. The code is not yet audited and will be subject to active changes.


Teleporter token bridge is an application that allows users to transfer tokens between Subnets. The bridge is a set of smart contracts that are deployed across multiple Subnets, and leverages Teleporter for cross-chain communication.

Each bridge instance consists of one "hub" contract and at least one but possibly many "spoke" contracts. Each hub contract instance manages one asset to be bridged out to spoke instances. The hub contract lives on the Subnet where the asset to be bridged exists and locks that asset as collateral to be bridged to other Subnets. The spoke contracts, each of which has a single specified hub contract, live on other Subnets that want to import the asset bridged by their specified hub. The token bridges are designed to be permissionless: anyone can register compatible spoke instances to allow for bridging tokens from the hub instance to that new spoke. The hub contract keeps track of token balances bridged to each spoke instance, and it handles returning the original tokens back to the user when assets are bridged back to the hub instance. Spoke instances are registered with their hub contract via a Teleporter message upon creation.

Hub contract instances specify the asset to be bridged as either an ERC20 token or the native token, and they allow for transferring the token to any registered spoke instances. The token representation on the spoke chain can also either be an ERC20 or native token, allowing users to have any combination of ERC20 and native tokens between hub and spoke chains:

The spoke tokens are designed to have compatibility with the token bridge on the hub chain by default, and they allow custom logic to be implemented in addition. For example, developers can inherit and extend the ERC20TokenSpoke contract to add additional functionality, such as a custom minting, burning, or transfer logic.

The token bridge also supports "multi-hop" transfers, where tokens can be transferred between spoke chains. To illustrate, consider two spokes Sa and Sb that are both connected to the same hub H. A multi-hop transfer from Sa to Sb first gets routed from Sa to H, where spoke balances are updated, and then H automatically routes the transfer on to Sb.

In addition to supporting basic token transfers, the token bridge contracts offer a sendAndCall interface for bridging tokens and using them in a smart contract interaction all within a single Teleporter message. If the call to the recipient smart contract fails, the bridged tokens are sent to a fallback recipient address on the destination chain of the transfer. The sendAndCall interface enables the direct use of bridged tokens in dApps on other chains, such as performing swaps, using the tokens to pay for fees when invoking services, etc.

A breakdown of the structure of the contracts that implement this function can be found under ./contracts here.


Initialize the repository



Solidity Unit Tests

Unit tests are written under contracts/test/ and can be run with forge:

cd contracts
forge test -vvv

Unit test coverage of the contracts can be viewed using forge coverage:

$ forge coverage
[⠢] Compiling...
[⠔] Compiling 78 files with 0.8.18
[⠘] Solc 0.8.18 finished in 5.51s
Compiler run successful!
Analysing contracts...
Running tests...
| File                                        | % Lines           | % Statements      | % Branches        | % Funcs         |
| src/TokenHub/ERC20TokenHub.sol              | 100.00% (16/16)   | 100.00% (19/19)   | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (6/6)   |
| src/TokenHub/NativeTokenHub.sol             | 100.00% (14/14)   | 100.00% (16/16)   | 100.00% (2/2)     | 100.00% (6/6)   |
| src/TokenHub/TokenHub.sol                   | 100.00% (135/135) | 100.00% (159/159) | 100.00% (84/84)   | 100.00% (15/15) |
| src/TokenSpoke/ERC20TokenSpoke.sol          | 100.00% (20/20)   | 100.00% (22/22)   | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (7/7)   |
| src/TokenSpoke/NativeTokenSpoke.sol         | 100.00% (39/39)   | 100.00% (48/48)   | 100.00% (8/8)     | 100.00% (12/12) |
| src/TokenSpoke/TokenSpoke.sol               | 100.00% (81/81)   | 100.00% (102/102) | 100.00% (56/56)   | 100.00% (15/15) |
| src/WrappedNativeToken.sol                  | 100.00% (6/6)     | 100.00% (6/6)     | 100.00% (0/0)     | 100.00% (3/3)   |
| src/mocks/ExampleERC20Decimals.sol          | 100.00% (1/1)     | 100.00% (1/1)     | 100.00% (0/0)     | 100.00% (1/1)   |
| src/mocks/MockERC20SendAndCallReceiver.sol  | 100.00% (5/5)     | 100.00% (5/5)     | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (2/2)   |
| src/mocks/MockNativeSendAndCallReceiver.sol | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (4/4)     | 100.00% (2/2)   |
| src/utils/CallUtils.sol                     | 100.00% (8/8)     | 100.00% (9/9)     | 100.00% (6/6)     | 100.00% (2/2)   |
| src/utils/SafeWrappedNativeTokenDeposit.sol | 100.00% (5/5)     | 100.00% (8/8)     | 100.00% (2/2)     | 100.00% (1/1)   |
| src/utils/TokenScalingUtils.sol             | 100.00% (8/8)     | 100.00% (14/14)   | 100.00% (2/2)     | 100.00% (4/4)   |
| Total                                       | 100.00% (342/342) | 100.00% (413/413) | 100.00% (176/176) | 100.00% (76/76) |

E2E tests

End-to-end integration tests written using Ginkgo are provided in the tests/ directory. E2E tests are run as part of CI, but can also be run locally. Any new features or cross-chain example applications checked into the repository should be accompanied by an end-to-end tests.

To run the E2E tests locally, you'll need to install Gingko following the instructions here.

Then run the following command from the root of the repository:


Run specific E2E tests

To run a specific E2E test, specify the environment variable GINKGO_FOCUS, which will then look for test descriptions that match the provided input. For example, to run the Bridge an ERC20 token between two Subnets test:

GINKGO_FOCUS="Bridge an ERC20 token between two Subnets" ./scripts/e2e_test.sh

A substring of the full test description can be used as well:

GINKGO_FOCUS="Bridge an ERC20 token" ./scripts/e2e_test.sh

The E2E tests also supports GINKGO_LABEL_FILTER, making it easy to group test cases and run them together. For example, to run all ERC20TokenHub E2E tests:

    ginkgo.It("Bridge an ERC20 token between two Subnets",
        ginkgo.Label(erc20TokenHubLabel, erc20TokenSpokeLabel),
        func() {
GINKGO_LABEL_FILTER="ERC20TokenHub" ./scripts/e2e_test.sh