ava / use-http

🐶 React hook for making isomorphic http requests
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fetch fetch-data graphql http isomorphic mutation query react react-cache react-fetch-hook react-hook react-hooks react-suspense react-usefetch reacthook request rest-client ssr suspense usefetch

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🐶 React hook for making isomorphic http requests
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Basic Usage Managed State useFetch If the last argument of `useFetch` is not a dependency array `[]`, then it will not fire until you call one of the http methods like `get`, `post`, etc. ```js import useFetch from 'use-http' function Todos() { const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]) const { get, post, response, loading, error } = useFetch('https://example.com') useEffect(() => { initializeTodos() }, []) // componentDidMount async function initializeTodos() { const initialTodos = await get('/todos') if (response.ok) setTodos(initialTodos) } async function addTodo() { const newTodo = await post('/todos', { title: 'my new todo' }) if (response.ok) setTodos([...todos, newTodo]) } return ( <> {error && 'Error!'} {loading && 'Loading...'} {todos.map(todo => (
))} ) } ```
Basic Usage Auto-Managed State useFetch This fetch is run `onMount/componentDidMount`. The last argument `[]` means it will run `onMount`. If you pass it a variable like `[someVariable]`, it will run `onMount` and again whenever `someVariable` changes values (aka `onUpdate`). If no method is specified, GET is the default. ```js import useFetch from 'use-http' function Todos() { const options = {} // these options accept all native `fetch` options // the last argument below [] means it will fire onMount (GET by default) const { loading, error, data = [] } = useFetch('https://example.com/todos', options, []) return ( <> {error && 'Error!'} {loading && 'Loading...'} {data.map(todo => (
))} ) } ```
Suspense Mode(experimental) Auto-Managed State Can put `suspense` in 2 places. Either `useFetch` (A) or `Provider` (B). ```js import useFetch, { Provider } from 'use-http' function Todos() { const { data: todos = [] } = useFetch('/todos', { suspense: true // A. can put `suspense: true` here }, []) // onMount return todos.map(todo =>
) } function App() { const options = { suspense: true // B. can put `suspense: true` here too } return ( ) } ```
Suspense Mode(experimental) Managed State Can put `suspense` in 2 places. Either `useFetch` (A) or `Provider` (B). Suspense mode via managed state is very experimental. ```js import useFetch, { Provider } from 'use-http' function Todos() { const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]) // A. can put `suspense: true` here const { get, response } = useFetch({ suspense: true }) const loadInitialTodos = async () => { const todos = await get('/todos') if (response.ok) setTodos(todos) } // componentDidMount useEffect(() => { loadInitialTodos() }, []) return todos.map(todo =>
) } function App() { const options = { suspense: true // B. can put `suspense: true` here too } return ( ) } ```

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Pagination + Provider The `onNewData` will take the current data, and the newly fetched data, and allow you to merge the two however you choose. In the example below, we are appending the new todos to the end of the current todos. ```jsx import useFetch, { Provider } from 'use-http' const Todos = () => { const [page, setPage] = useState(1) const { data = [], loading } = useFetch(`/todos?page=${page}&amountPerPage=15`, { onNewData: (currTodos, newTodos) => [...currTodos, ...newTodos], // appends newly fetched todos perPage: 15, // stops making more requests if last todos fetched < 15 }, [page]) // runs onMount AND whenever the `page` updates (onUpdate) return (
    {data.map(todo =>
  • {todo.title}
  • } {loading && 'Loading...'} {!loading && ( )}
) } const App = () => ( ) ```
Destructured useFetch ⚠️ Do not destructure the `response` object! Details in [this video](https://youtu.be/_-GujYZFCKI?list=PLZIwrWkE9rCdUybd8t3tY-mUMvXkCdenW&t=127). Technically you can do it, but if you need to access the `response.ok` from, for example, within a component's onClick handler, it will be a stale value for `ok` where it will be correct for `response.ok`. ️️⚠️ ```js var [request, response, loading, error] = useFetch('https://example.com') // want to use object destructuring? You can do that too var { request, response, // 🚨 Do not destructure the `response` object! loading, error, data, cache, // methods: get, set, has, delete, clear (like `new Map()`) get, post, put, patch, delete // don't destructure `delete` though, it's a keyword del, // <- that's why we have this (del). or use `request.delete` head, options, connect, trace, mutate, // GraphQL query, // GraphQL abort } = useFetch('https://example.com') // 🚨 Do not destructure the `response` object! // 🚨 This just shows what fields are available in it. var { ok, status, headers, data, type, statusText, url, body, bodyUsed, redirected, // methods json, text, formData, blob, arrayBuffer, clone } = response var { loading, error, data, cache, // methods: get, set, has, delete, clear (like `new Map()`) get, post, put, patch, delete // don't destructure `delete` though, it's a keyword del, // <- that's why we have this (del). or use `request.delete` mutate, // GraphQL query, // GraphQL abort } = request ```
Relative routes useFetch ```jsx var request = useFetch('https://example.com') request.post('/todos', { no: 'way' }) ```
Abort useFetch ```jsx const { get, abort, loading, data: repos } = useFetch('https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=') // the line below is not isomorphic, but for simplicity we're using the browsers `encodeURI` const searchGithubRepos = e => get(encodeURI(e.target.value)) <> {loading ? 'Loading...' : repos.data.items.map(repo => (
))} ```
GraphQL Query useFetch ```jsx const QUERY = ` query Todos($userID string!) { todos(userID: $userID) { id title } } ` function App() { const request = useFetch('http://example.com') const getTodosForUser = id => request.query(QUERY, { userID: id }) return ( <> {request.loading ? 'Loading...' :
} ) } ```
GraphQL Mutation useFetch The `Provider` allows us to set a default `url`, `options` (such as headers) and so on. ```jsx const MUTATION = ` mutation CreateTodo($todoTitle string) { todo(title: $todoTitle) { id title } } ` function App() { const [todoTitle, setTodoTitle] = useState('') const request = useFetch('http://example.com') const createtodo = () => request.mutate(MUTATION, { todoTitle }) return ( <> setTodoTitle(e.target.value)} /> {request.loading ? 'Loading...' :
} ) } ```
Provider using the GraphQL useMutation and useQuery ##### Query for todos ```jsx import { useQuery } from 'use-http' export default function QueryComponent() { // can also do it this way: // const [data, loading, error, query] = useQuery` // or this way: // const { data, loading, error, query } = useQuery` const request = useQuery` query Todos($userID string!) { todos(userID: $userID) { id title } } ` const getTodosForUser = id => request.query({ userID: id }) return ( <> {request.loading ? 'Loading...' :
} ) } ``` ##### Add a new todo ```jsx import { useMutation } from 'use-http' export default function MutationComponent() { const [todoTitle, setTodoTitle] = useState('') // can also do it this way: // const request = useMutation` // or this way: // const { data, loading, error, mutate } = useMutation` const [data, loading, error, mutate] = useMutation` mutation CreateTodo($todoTitle string) { todo(title: $todoTitle) { id title } } ` const createTodo = () => mutate({ todoTitle }) return ( <> setTodoTitle(e.target.value)} /> {loading ? 'Loading...' :
} ) } ``` ##### Adding the Provider These props are defaults used in every request inside the ``. They can be overwritten individually ```jsx import { Provider } from 'use-http' import QueryComponent from './QueryComponent' import MutationComponent from './MutationComponent' function App() { const options = { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' } } return ( ) } ```
Request/Response Interceptors This example shows how we can do authentication in the `request` interceptor and how we can camelCase the results in the `response` interceptor ```jsx import { Provider } from 'use-http' import { toCamel } from 'convert-keys' function App() { let [token, setToken] = useLocalStorage('token') const options = { interceptors: { // every time we make an http request, this will run 1st before the request is made // url, path and route are supplied to the interceptor // request options can be modified and must be returned request: async ({ options, url, path, route }) => { if (isExpired(token)) { token = await getNewToken() setToken(token) } options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}` return options }, // every time we make an http request, before getting the response back, this will run response: async ({ response, request }) => { // unfortunately, because this is a JS Response object, we have to modify it directly. // It shouldn't have any negative affect since this is getting reset on each request. const res = response if (res.data) res.data = toCamel(res.data) return res } } } return ( ) } ```
File Uploads (FormData) This example shows how we can upload a file using `useFetch`. ```jsx import useFetch from 'use-http' const FileUploader = () => { const [file, setFile] = useState() const { post } = useFetch('https://example.com/upload') const uploadFile = async () => { const data = new FormData() data.append('file', file) if (file instanceof FormData) await post(data) } return (
{/* Drop a file onto the input below */} setFile(e.target.files[0])} />
) } ```
Handling Different Response Types This example shows how we can get `.json()`, `.text()`, `.formData()`, `.blob()`, `.arrayBuffer()`, and all the other [http response methods](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response#Methods). By default, `useFetch` 1st tries to call `response.json()` under the hood, if that fails it's backup is `response.text()`. If that fails, then you need a different response type which is where this comes in. ```js import useFetch from 'use-http' const App = () => { const [name, setName] = useState('') const { get, loading, error, response } = useFetch('http://example.com') const handleClick = async () => { await get('/users/1?name=true') // will return just the user's name const text = await response.text() setName(text) } return ( <> {error && error.messge} {loading && "Loading..."} {name &&
} ) } ```
Overwrite/Remove Options/Headers Set in Provider This example shows how to remove a header all together. Let's say you have ``, but for one api call, you don't want that header in your `useFetch` at all for one instance in your app. This would allow you to remove that. ```js import useFetch from 'use-http' const Todos = () => { // let's say for this request, you don't want the `Accept` header at all const { loading, error, data: todos = [] } = useFetch('/todos', globalOptions => { delete globalOptions.headers.Accept return globalOptions }, []) // onMount return ( <> {error && error.messge} {loading && "Loading..."} {todos &&
    {todos.map(todo =>
  • {todo.title}
  • )}
} ) } const App = () => { const options = { headers: { Accept: 'application/json' } } return ( } ```
Retries retryOn & retryDelay In this example you can see how `retryOn` will retry on a status code of `305`, or if we choose the `retryOn()` function, it returns a boolean to decide if we will retry. With `retryDelay` we can either have a fixed delay, or a dynamic one by using `retryDelay()`. Make sure `retries` is set to at minimum `1` otherwise it won't retry the request. If `retries > 0` without `retryOn` then by default we always retry if there's an error or if `!response.ok`. If `retryOn: [400]` and `retries > 0` then we only retry on a response status of `400`. ```js import useFetch from 'use-http' const TestRetry = () => { const { response, get } = useFetch('https://httpbin.org/status/305', { // make sure `retries` is set otherwise it won't retry retries: 1, retryOn: [305], // OR retryOn: async ({ attempt, error, response }) => { // returns true or false to determine whether to retry return error || response && response.status >= 300 }, retryDelay: 3000, // OR retryDelay: ({ attempt, error, response }) => { // exponential backoff return Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000) // linear backoff return attempt * 1000 } }) return ( <>
{JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)}
) } ```



Hook Description
useFetch The base hook
useQuery For making a GraphQL query
useMutation For making a GraphQL mutation


This is exactly what you would pass to the normal js fetch, with a little extra. All these options can be passed to the <Provider options={/* every option below */} />, or directly to useFetch. If you have both in the <Provider /> and in useFetch, the useFetch options will overwrite the ones from the <Provider />

Option Description Default
cacheLife After a successful cache update, that cache data will become stale after this duration 0
cachePolicy These will be the same ones as Apollo's fetch policies. Possible values are cache-and-network, network-only, cache-only, no-cache, cache-first. Currently only supports cache-first or no-cache cache-first
data Allows you to set a default value for data undefined
interceptors.request Allows you to do something before an http request is sent out. Useful for authentication if you need to refresh tokens a lot. undefined
interceptors.response Allows you to do something after an http response is recieved. Useful for something like camelCasing the keys of the response. undefined
loading Allows you to set default value for loading false unless the last argument of useFetch is []
onAbort Runs when the request is aborted. empty function
onError Runs when the request get's an error. If retrying, it is only called on the last retry attempt. empty function
onNewData Merges the current data with the incoming data. Great for pagination. (curr, new) => new
onTimeout Called when the request times out. empty function
persist Persists data for the duration of cacheLife. If cacheLife is not set it defaults to 24h. Currently only available in Browser. false
perPage Stops making more requests if there is no more data to fetch. (i.e. if we have 25 todos, and the perPage is 10, after fetching 2 times, we will have 20 todos. The last 5 tells us we don't have any more to fetch because it's less than 10) For pagination. 0
responseType This will determine how the data field is set. If you put json then it will try to parse it as JSON. If you set it as an array, it will attempt to parse the response in the order of the types you put in the array. Read about why we don't put formData in the defaults in the yellow Note part here. ['json', 'text', 'blob', 'readableStream']
retries When a request fails or times out, retry the request this many times. By default it will not retry. 0
retryDelay You can retry with certain intervals i.e. 30 seconds 30000 or with custom logic (i.e. to increase retry intervals). 1000
retryOn You can retry on certain http status codes or have custom logic to decide whether to retry or not via a function. Make sure retries > 0 otherwise it won't retry. []
suspense Enables Experimental React Suspense mode. example false
timeout The request will be aborted/cancelled after this amount of time. This is also the interval at which retries will be made at. in milliseconds. If set to 0, it will not timeout except for browser defaults. 0
const options = {
  // accepts all `fetch` options such as headers, method, etc.

  // The time in milliseconds that cache data remains fresh.
  cacheLife: 0,

  // Cache responses to improve speed and reduce amount of requests
  // Only one request to the same endpoint will be initiated unless cacheLife expires for 'cache-first'.
  cachePolicy: 'cache-first', // 'no-cache'

  // set's the default for the `data` field
  data: [],

  // typically, `interceptors` would be added as an option to the `<Provider />`
  interceptors: {
    request: async ({ options, url, path, route }) => { // `async` is not required
      return options // returning the `options` is important
    response: async ({ response, request }) => {
      // notes:
      // - `response.data` is equivalent to `await response.json()`
      // - `request` is an object matching the standard fetch's options
      return response // returning the `response` is important

  // set's the default for `loading` field
  loading: false,

  // called when aborting the request
  onAbort: () => {},

  // runs when an error happens.
  onError: ({ error }) => {},

  // this will allow you to merge the `data` for pagination.
  onNewData: (currData, newData) => {
    return [...currData, ...newData] 

  // called when the request times out
  onTimeout: () => {},

  // this will tell useFetch not to run the request if the list doesn't haveMore. (pagination)
  // i.e. if the last page fetched was < 15, don't run the request again
  perPage: 15,

  // Allows caching to persist after page refresh. Only supported in the Browser currently.
  persist: false,

  // this would basically call `await response.json()`
  // and set the `data` and `response.data` field to the output
  responseType: 'json',
  // OR can be an array. It's an array by default.
  // We will try to get the `data` by attempting to extract
  // it via these body interface methods, one by one in
  // this order. We skip `formData` because it's mostly used
  // for service workers.
  responseType: ['json', 'text', 'blob', 'arrayBuffer'],

  // amount of times it should retry before erroring out
  retries: 3,

  // The time between retries
  retryDelay: 10000,
  // OR
  // Can be a function which is used if we want change the time in between each retry
  retryDelay({ attempt, error, response }) {
    // exponential backoff
    return Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000)
    // linear backoff
    return attempt * 1000

  // make sure `retries` is set otherwise it won't retry
  // can retry on certain http status codes
  retryOn: [503],
  // OR
  async retryOn({ attempt, error, response }) {
    // retry on any network error, or 4xx or 5xx status codes
    if (error !== null || response.status >= 400) {
      console.log(`retrying, attempt number ${attempt + 1}`);
      return true;

  // enables experimental React Suspense mode
  suspense: true, // defaults to `false`

  // amount of time before the request get's canceled/aborted
  timeout: 10000,

// OR
<Provider options={options}><ResOfYourApp /></Provider>

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Browser Support

If you need support for IE, you will need to add additional polyfills. The React docs suggest these polyfills, but from this issue we have found it to work fine with the react-app-polyfill. If you have any updates to this browser list, please submit a PR!

[IE / Edge]()
12+ last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions

Feature Requests/Ideas

If you have feature requests, submit an issue to let us know what you would like to see!
