avalentino / gdal-pixfun-plugin

A GDAL plugin that provides a small set of "pixel functions".
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


IMPORTANT: this package is obsolete. Pixel functions provided by this package have been merged into GDAL <http://www.gdal.org>_.

A gdal plugin that provides a small set of "pixel functions" (see http://www.gdal.org/gdal_vrttut.html) that can be used to create derived raster bands.

The package provides:

.. note::

using the plugin mechanism is a hack aimed to enable python users
to use pixel functions without C++ coding

List of pixel functions

:"real": extract real part from a single raster band (just a copy if the input is non-complex) :"imag": extract imaginary part from a single raster band (0 for non-complex) :"complex": make a complex band merging two bands used as real and imag values :"mod": extract module from a single raster band (real or complex) :"phase": extract phase from a single raster band (0 for non-complex) :"conj": computes the complex conjugate of a single raster band (just a copy if the input is non-complex) :"sum": sum 2 or more raster bands :"diff": computes the difference between 2 raster bands (b1 - b2) :"mul": multilpy 2 or more raster bands :"cmul": multiply the first band for the complex conjugate of the second :"inv": inverse (1./x). Note: no check is performed on zero division :"intensity": computes the intensity Re(x*conj(x)) of a single raster band (real or complex) :"sqrt": perform the square root of a single raster band (real only) :"log10": compute the logarithm (base 10) of the abs of a single raster band (real or complex): log10( abs( x ) ) :"dB2amp": perform scale conversion from logarithmic to linear (amplitude) (i.e. 10 ^ ( x / 20 ) ) of a single raster band (real only) :"dB2pow": perform scale conversion from logarithmic to linear (power) (i.e. 10 ^ ( x / 10 ) ) of a single raster band (real only)

How to get it

The project home page is at https://github.com/avalentino/gdal-pixfun-plugin. A copy of the latest version of the sources can be obtained ising git_::

$ git clone https://github.com/avalentino/gdal-pixfun-plugin.git

.. _git: http://git-scm.com

How to build, test and install

The gdal-pixfun-plugin can be built using the following command::

$ make

in the root folder of the source distribution. It assumes that GDAL is correctly installed on your system.

To run the unit test suite::

$ make check

To install the plugin just copy the generated shared object (gdal_PIXFUN.so) into the GDAL plugin directory (/usr/lib/gdalplugins/1.XX/ on unix).

The plugin can also be used without installing it. The user just needs to set the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH environment variable::



See the LICENSE.txt file.