avalentino / gsdview

Lightweight Geo-Spatial Data Viewer (GSDView) written in python and Qt. It uses the GDAL library for data access, it is modular and has a simple plug-in architecture.
GNU General Public License v2.0
25 stars 8 forks source link

.. ======= GSDView

:Source: README.txt
:Version: 0.7.0
:Author: Antonio Valentino
:Contact: antonio.valentino@tiscali.it
:URL: http://gsdview.sourceforge.net
:License: `GNU General Public License`__ (GPL)
:Copyright (C): 2008-2021 Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino@tiscali.it>

__ GPL_


GSDView (Geo-Spatial Data Viewer) Open Edition is a lightweight viewer for geo-spatial data and products. It is written in python and Qt and it is mainly intended to be a graphical front-end for the GDAL__ library and tools. GSDView is modular and has a simple plug-in architecture.

.. note:: two editions of GSDView currently exist:

- an *open source* version named `GSDView Open Edition`_ that is freely
  available (GPL2) and provides only very basic features
- a GSDView Pro Edition that is non free and provides a larger number
  of features (including image analysis tools and integration components
  for external image processing tools)

.. _Python: https://www.python.org .. Qt: http://www.qt.io .. GSDView Open Edition: http://gsdview.sourceforge.net _ gdal


Please refer to the SourceForge project page_.

.. _SourceForge project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gsdview


In order to run GSDView you should have the following software installed:

.. _numpy: http://www.numpy.org .. _gdal: http://www.gdal.org .. _QtPy: https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtpy .. _PyQt5: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt .. _PySide2: http://www.pyside.org .. _Qt5: https://www.qt.io

.. note:: in order to run GSDView with Python 3.x GDAL >= 1.10 is required.

.. hint::

Ubuntu and Debian users can resolve all dependencies by running the following command as superuser::

 # apt-get install python-qt5 python-gdal gdal-bin

.. _Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com .. _Debian: http://www.debian.org


Decompress the distribution package::

$ tar xvfz gsdview-X.YY.tar.gz

From the package directory run the following command as superuser::

python setup.py install

You can also install GSDView in a custom location::

# python setup.py install --prefix=<PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR>

.. note::

If you have all dependencies installed you can run GSDView without installation by simply running the following command in the package root::

$ python run.py

.. note::

Windows_\ :sup:TM users can run GSDView without installation by double-clicking on gsdview.pyw file.

If it doesn't exist you can get it by making a copy of the run.py file and renaming it run.pyw.

.. _Windows: http://windows.microsoft.com


GSDView is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License__ version 2.

_ GPL .. _GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html