avarda-ab / Magento2-Checkout-module

Avarda Checkout2 payment module for Magento 2
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Avarda Checkout

The module implements two major features to run a Magento 2 single page checkout for a smooth flow and integration with Avarda's Check-out 2 API.

Backend API

The implementation goal of the backend API is to provide an API as a proxy to communicate with Avarda. The purpose of using a proxy is to have control of all incoming and outgoing requests with Avarda on the server level. The backend utilizes the standard Magento 2 cart API, with added resources for performing Avarda-specific actions.

Module Installation

  1. composer require avarda/checkout
  2. bin/magento module:enable Avarda_Checkout
  3. bin/magento setup:upgrade


  1. Download the release zip
  2. Unzip and upload content to app/code/Avarda/Checkout/
  3. bin/magento module:enable Avarda_Checkout
  4. bin/magento setup:upgrade

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