avarsh / ape2d

A data driven, entity-component-system based 2D game engine.
MIT License
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What is the APE-2D Game Engine?


APE-2D (or APE) is an experimental 2D game engine built on C++17. Its founding principle is to use a data-oriented approach through its use of the entity-component-system (ECS) architecture. In practice this works in the following manner:

This system allows for far greater flexibility and control when compared to a traditional OOP approach in which game entities are classes with properties, and where large inheritance trees can create confusion.

Building and Installation

Ensure that you have meson installed, as well as the SDL2 and SDL2_image dependencies. Then, run:

meson setup build
cd build
ninja install

Current and Proposed Features

The engine is currently being rewritten with an SDL2 based renderer and a more advanced input and scene system.