avengeance / Nostaljams

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What is Nostaljams?

Nostaljams is a fullstack app that utilizes AWS to upload/store user songs and playlists and allows for users to listen to songs real-time through an audio player.

Table Of Contents:

Technologies Utilized:

Technology Description
HTML HyperText Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
Python Programming Language
Flask Python backend framework
AWS Amazon Web Services
React User Interface
Redux Managing application state
PostgreSQL Relational Database Management
SQLAlchemy ORM
Git Version Control System
Render Deployment

Getting Started

In order to run this app locally, there are a couple of steps to take:

  1. Clone the app repository on your local machine:
    git clone git@github.com:avengeance/Nostaljams.git
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the app and install dependencies:
    cd soundcloudClone
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Activate the virtual environment and start the backend server
    pipenv shell
    flask run
  4. Open another terminal and navigate to the react app to start the frontend app
    cd react-app
    npm start

Navigating Through the Site

Creating a Song

View Song Details

Editing a Song

Deleting a Song

Creating a Playlist

Editing a Playlist (Add/Remove Songs from Playlist)

Deleting a Playlist

Creating a Comment

Delete a Comment