avh4 / elm-testable

Makes Cmds and Tasks testable
41 stars 5 forks source link
deprecated elm testing


Now use avh4/elm-program-test instead. (elm-testable only works with ELm 0.17)


elm-testable does not support Elm 0.18. A new package is currently in development that will allow testing of Cmds, Tasks, and Subs without the need for elm-testable's wrappers. More details will be posted to elm-discuss when it is available. (See the rewrite-native branch.)

Build Status


This package allows you to write components that follow the Elm Architecture in a way that is testable. To allow this, elm-testable provides testable versions of the Task, Effects, and Http modules, as well as Testable.TestContext to test testable components and Testable to integrate testable components with your Elm app.

Example testable component

The only difference between a testable component and a standard component is the added Testable. in several imports. (With the exception of Cmd, which conflicts with the default import of Platform.Cmd in Elm 0.17.)

Here is the diff of converting RandomGif.elm into a testable component:

diff --git b/examples/RandomGif.elm a/examples/RandomGif.elm
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ import Html exposing (..)
 import Json.Decode as Json
-import Http
-import Task
+import Testable.Cmd
+import Testable.Http as Http
+import Testable.Task as Task

 @ -20,7 +21,7 @@ type alias Model =

-init : String -> String -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+init : String -> String -> ( Model, Testable.Cmd.Cmd Msg )
 init apiKey topic =
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ type Msg

-update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Testable.Cmd.Cmd Msg )
 update msg model =
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ update msg model =
             ( Model model.apiKey model.topic (Maybe.withDefault model.gifUrl maybeUrl)
-            , Cmd.none
+            , Testable.Cmd.none
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ imgStyle url =

-getRandomGif : String -> String -> Cmd Msg
+getRandomGif : String -> String -> Testable.Cmd.Cmd Msg
 getRandomGif apiKey topic =
     Http.get decodeUrl (randomUrl apiKey topic)
         |> Task.perform (always Nothing >> NewGif)
diff --git b/examples/Main.elm a/examples/Main.elm
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ module Main exposing (..)
 import Task
+import Testable

 main =
-        { init = init "__API_KEY__" "funny cats"
-        , update = update
+        { init = Testable.init <| init "__API_KEY__" "funny cats"
+        , update = Testable.update update
         , view = view

Example tests

Here is an example of the types of tests you can write for testable components:

import ElmTest exposing (..)
import Testable.TestContext exposing (..)
import Testable.Effects as Effects
import Testable.Http as Http

myComponent =
    { init = MyComponent.init
    , update = MyComponent.update

all : Test
all =
    suite "MyComponent"
        [ myComponent
            |> startForTest
            |> currentModel
            |> assertEqual (Ok expectedModelValue)
            |> test "sets initial state"
        , myComponent
            |> startForTest
            |> assertHttpRequest (Http.getRequest "https://example.com/myResource")
            |> test "makes initial HTTP request"
        , myComponent
            |> startForTest
            |> resolveHttpRequest (Http.getRequest "https://example.com/myResource")
                (Http.ok """{"data":"example JSON response"}""")
            |> assertEqual (Ok expectedModelValue)
            |> test "updated the model on HTTP success"
        , myComponent
            |> startForTest
            |> update (MyComponent.LoadDetails 1234)
            |> assertHttpRequest (Http.getRequest "https://example.com/myResource/1234")
            |> test "pressing the button makes a new HTTP request"

Here are complete tests for the RandomGif example.

Example integration with Main

To convert your testable view and update functions into functions that work with StartApp, use the Testable module:

main : Program Never
main =
        { init = Testable.init MyComponent.init
        , update = Testable.update MyComponent.update
        , view = MyComponent.view
        , subscriptions = MyComponent.subscriptions