avito-tech / bioyino

High performance and high-precision multithreaded StatsD server
The Unlicense
228 stars 22 forks source link


The StatsD server written in Rust


Bioyino is a distributed statsd-protocol server with carbon backend.



Currently works in production at Avito, processing production-grade metric stream (~4M metrics per second on 3 nodes)


One of Bioyino's most powerful features - multimessage mode - require it to be working on GNU/Linux.

$ git clone <this repo>
$ cargo build --release && strip target/release/bioyno

Build RPM package (for systemd-based distro)

  1. Install requirements (as root or with sudo)

    yum install -y cargo capnproto capnproto-devel
    yum install -y ruby-devel
    gem install fpm
  2. Build

    bash contrib/fpm/create_package_rpm.sh

Build DEB package (for systemd-based distro)

  1. Install requirements (as root or with sudo)

    apt-get install -y capnproto libcapnp-dev
    apt-get install -y ruby-dev
    gem install fpm
  2. Build

    bash contrib/fpm/create_package_deb.sh


To configure, please, see config.toml, all the options are listed there and all of them are commented.


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