A community driven list of resources for people to learn ruby, whether they're ruby newbies or advanced users.
Any resources you know that people can use to learn ruby (or rails, or anything else you think relevant).
Resources I'm aware of that I haven't had a chance to evaluate and/or add yet include:
Improvements to the code or the site are also appreciated. Some ideas:
Tragically, I haven't had time (or money) to try all of these resources - I'm relying on impressions and descriptions for some of them. If you feel the level is inaccurate, or the description is misleading, or you just don't like it - feel free to change it and send me a pull request! I'd greatly appreciate it.
Many of the descriptions are taken directly from the resource's site, I mean no copyright infringement by this.
iwanttolearnruby is released under the MIT license. Attribution is appreciated, but not required.