awarnes / mfc-store-scraper

Software for scraping wholesaler stores for MFC
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MFC Store Scraper

Rather than doing the manual work of adding each product to our Shopify store individually, this scraping software will help us upload products in batches as well as keep track of which products are available for purchase and which are not.

Currently, we use the CSV upload option to bulk upload products into our Shopfiy store. More information can be found here along with a template CSV file: Using CSV files

Currently, we only support scraping for the Hummingbird Wholesale site at this time.


Run the script to pull all product information from Hummingbird Wholesale, save it to a file, and then format the data into a CSV for upload into the Shopify store.

Note: be sure to have Python 3.8+ installed to run the program

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. python3 ./
  3. On the Shopify products page, click the Import button in the top right, and select the outputs/hummingbird_products.csv file.

In order to update new prices, run the script and when uploading select the Overwrite any current products... check box. This will ensure that new prices overwrite old prices.


Send a request to @awarnes in Slack to get access to contribute to this repository.

Please feel free to update anything you see fit and create a pull request on GitHub with anything you'd like to change.

Don't forget to update any documentation and write any tests that are affected by your changes.

We use pylint to check each pull request and make sure everything is in line with standard styles. You will need to lint and fix anything that doesn't pass the check before you can merge your PR. Feel free to run the check below before pushing to your branch so that you're ready to go when you make your PR.

Lint repo with pylint:

pylint $(find . -name "*.py" | xargs)

Running tests:

Tests are written using the unittest builtin library.

To run all tests for the project:

python -m unittest discover -s tests

Unit tests

python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit

Integration tests

python -m unittest discover -s tests/integration


Future development projects/ideas: