awcodes / scribble

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A Rich Text Editor plugin for Filament Forms.


Install the package via composer

composer require awcodes/scribble

Publishing the config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="scribble-config"

Publishing the translations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="scribble-translations"

Setting up the plugin's styling

[!IMPORTANT] If you have not set up a custom theme and are using Filament Panels follow the instructions in the Filament Docs first. The following applies to both the Panels Package and the standalone Forms package.

Import the plugin's stylesheet (if not already included) into your theme's css file.

@import '/vendor/awcodes/scribble/resources/css/editor.css';
@import '/vendor/awcodes/scribble/resources/css/entry.css';

Add the plugin's views to your tailwind.config.js file.

content: [

Rebuild your custom theme.

npm run build

Preparing your model

Scribble stores its content as JSON data in a single column on your model. So, it is vital that you cast the column to an array or json object in your model.

protected $casts = [
    'content' => 'array', // or 'json'

It is also recommended to make the column alongText type in your migration. However, this is not required and if you know you will not need a large amount of data you can use a text or mediumText type as well. Just be aware that the content can grow rather quickly.



Form Component

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleEditor;

public function form(Form $form): Form
    return $form

Infolist Entry

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleEntry;

public function infolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
    return $infolist

Global Configuration

In the boot method of a ServiceProvider you can set the default configuration for all instances of the editor with the configureUsing method.

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleEditor;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Profiles\MinimalProfile;

ScribbleEditor::configureUsing(function (ScribbleEditor $scribble) {

Editor Profiles

Manually, creating menu configurations for each instance of the editor can be cumbersome. To alleviate this, you can create a profile class that defines the tools for the bubble, suggestion, and toolbar menus. You can then apply the profile to the editor using the profile method. You may use either the tool identifier or the tool's class name.

namespace App\ScribbleProfiles;

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleProfile;use Awcodes\Scribble\Tools;

class Minimal extends ScribbleProfile
    public static function bubbleTools(): array
        return [

    public static function suggestionTools(): array
        return [];

    public static function toolbarTools(): array
        return [
use App\ScribbleProfiles\Minimal;


Generating a Profile

You can scaffold out a new profile class using the make:scribble-profile command and following the prompts.

php artisan make:scribble-profile

Custom Editor Styles

Should you need to provide styles to the editor for custom blocks or tools, you can use the customStyles method to provide a path to a CSS file.


Extending the Editor

Custom Tools


Command tools are used to insert content into the editor using Tiptap commands. The Bold and Italic tools are examples of this. This is also the default tool type.

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;

class Bold extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
            ->active(extension: 'bold')
                $this->makeCommand(command: 'toggleBold'),
                // or
                ['command' => 'toggleBold', 'arguments' => null],

Static Blocks

Static Blocks are a tool type that can be used to insert a static blade view into the editor. These are useful for inserting placeholder content that can be rendered out to a different view in your HTML. For instance, a block that represents a list of FAQs that when rendered on the front-end will display a list of FAQs from the database.

$editorView is optional but can be useful in the case that you need to provide a custom editor view for the block. And a different rendering view for the output.

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\ToolType;

class FaqsList extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
            ->label('FAQs List')
{{-- scribble.static-block-editor --}}
<div class="p-4 bg-gray-800 rounded-lg">
    <p>This is a placeholder. FAQ list will be rendered on output.</p>

{{-- scribble.static-block --}}
<div class="p-4 bg-gray-800 rounded-lg">
    @foreach ($faqs as $faq)
        <div class="mb-4">
            <h3 class="text-lg font-bold">{{ $faq->question }}</h3>
            <p>{{ $faq->answer }}</p>


Blocks are a tool type that interact with the editor's content through a modal form and a blade view. They can be used to insert custom content into the editor.

$editorView is optional but can be useful in the case that you need to provide a custom editor view for the block. And a different rendering view for the output.

Tool class
use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\Alignment;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\SlideDirection;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\ToolType;
use Filament\Support\Enums\MaxWidth;

class Notice extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
Modal Form
use Awcodes\Scribble\Livewire\ScribbleModal;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Profiles\MinimalProfile;
use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleEditor;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Radio;

class NoticeForm extends ScribbleModal
    public ?string $header = 'Notice';

    // this should match the identifier in the tool class
    public ?string $identifier = 'notice';

    public function mount(): void
            'color' => $this->data['color'] ?? 'info',
            'body' => $this->data['body'] ?? null,

    public function getFormFields(): array
        return [
                    'info' => 'Info',
                    'success' => 'Success',
                    'warning' => 'Warning',
                    'danger' => 'Danger',
Blade View
      'border-l-4 p-4 flex items-center gap-3 not-prose',
      match($color) {
        'success' => 'bg-success-200 text-success-900 border-success-600',
        'danger' => 'bg-danger-200 text-danger-900 border-danger-600',
        'warning' => 'bg-warning-200 text-warning-900 border-warning-600',
        default => 'bg-info-200 text-info-900 border-info-600',
        $icon = match($color) {
            'success' => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
            'danger' => 'heroicon-o-exclamation-circle',
            'warning' => 'heroicon-o-exclamation-triangle',
            default => 'heroicon-o-information-circle',

    @svg($icon, 'h-6 w-6')

    {!! scribble($body)->toHtml() !!}


Modals are a tool type that interact with the editor's content through a modal form and use Tiptap commands to insert content into the editor. The Media and Grid tools are examples of this.

Tool class
use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\ToolType;
use App\Path\To\MediaForm;

class Media extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
                $this->makeCommand(command: 'setMedia'),
Modal Form
use Awcodes\Scribble\Livewire\ScribbleModal;
use Awcodes\Scribble\Profiles\MinimalProfile;
use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleEditor;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Radio;

class MediaForm extends ScribbleModal
    public ?string $header = 'Media';

    // this should match the identifier in the tool class
    public ?string $identifier = 'media';

    public function mount(): void

    public function getFormFields(): array
        return [


You may also create tools that emit events when they are clicked. This can be useful for triggering actions in your application when a tool is clicked.

Tool class
use Awcodes\Scribble\Enums\ToolType;
use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;

class OpenRandomModal extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
            ->label('Open Random Modal')
                $this->makeCommand(command: 'setDataFromEvent'),
                name: 'open-modal',
                data: [
                    'id' => 'random-modal',
                    'title' => 'Random Modal',

Generating a Tool

You can scaffold out a new tool class using the make:scribble-tool command and following the prompts.

php artisan make:scribble-tool

Custom Tiptap Extensions

You can also provide custom Tiptap extensions or other Tiptap native extensions to the editor. This can be useful for adding custom marks, nodes, or other extensions to the editor.


import {Highlight} from "@tiptap/extension-highlight";
import MyCustomExtension from "./MyCustomExtension";

window.scribbleExtensions = [

Next you will need to load your js file in your layout or view before Filament's scripts. This can be done in a way you see fit for you application.

For example, with a Filament Panel you could do something like the following:

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
    return $panel
            name: 'panels::head.end',
            hook: fn (): string => Blade::render('@vite("resources/js/scribble/extensions.js")')

PHP Parser

In order for the content to be able to be converted to HTML, you will need to provide a PHP parser for the extension. See the Tiptap PHP package for more information on how to create a parser for a Tiptap extension or using an included one in their package.


Next you will need a make a tool for the extension.

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleTool;
use Tiptap\Marks\Highlight as TiptapHighlight;

class Highlight extends ScribbleTool
    protected function setUp(): void
                $this->makeCommand(command: 'toggleHighlight'),
            ->converterExtensions(new TiptapHighlight());

Now you can register the tool and PHP parser with the plugin in a ServiceProvider's register method.

use Awcodes\Scribble\ScribbleManager;
use App\ScribbleTools\Highlight;
use Tiptap\Marks\Highlight as TiptapHighlight;

public function register(): void

Converting output

With the Converter Utility class

use Awcodes\Scribble\Utils\Converter;

Converter::from($content)->toTOC(); // Table of Contents

With the helper function

{!! scribble($content)->toHtml() !!}
{!! scribble($content)->toJson() !!}
{!! scribble($content)->toText() !!}
{!! scribble($content)->toMarkdown() !!}
{!! scribble($content)->toTOC() !!}

Table of Contents

use Awcodes\Scribble\Utils\Converter;

// HTML output with headings linked and wrapped in anchor tags
        toc: true,
        maxDepth: 3,
        wrapHeadings: true

// Structured list of heading links

MergeTags Replacement

If you are using Merge tags and outputting the content as HTML you can use the mergeTagsMap method to replace the merge tags with the appropriate values.

        'brand_phone' => '1-800-555-1234',
        'brand_email' => '',

Faker Utility

use Awcodes\Scribble\Utils\Faker;

    ->heading(int | string | null $level = 2)
    ->paragraphs(int $count = 1, bool $withRandomLinks = false)
    ->unorderedList(int $count = 1)
    ->orderedList(int $count = 1)
    ->image(?int $width = 640, ?int $height = 480)
    ->details(bool $open = false)
    ->code(?string $className = null)
    ->grid(array $cols = [1, 1, 1])


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.