awesomeWM / awesome

awesome window manager
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Screenshots #1395

Closed blueyed closed 1 year ago

blueyed commented 7 years ago

Let's post some screenshots here and vote on them, to possibly get them onto the website.

Elv13 edit:


UPDATE (@Aire-One)

This thread is available as a gallery at Thanks to @mipmip for it! ❤️

blueyed commented 7 years ago


aajjbb commented 7 years ago

May I post one here ? It could replace the one I used in the new site pull request.


Elv13 commented 7 years ago


Also for an alternative to the nice "real" desktop on the first page

Elv13 commented 7 years ago


Elv13 commented 7 years ago


Elv13 commented 7 years ago


Elv13 commented 7 years ago


Elv13 commented 7 years ago


[edit: Replace the link]

mindeunix commented 7 years ago


wimstefan commented 7 years ago

screen-2017-01-14-laptop Mod edit: yes, it is very welcome

AxelTB commented 7 years ago

@Elv13 the config I'm using is "Extremely minimal" because it's waiting to be ported on 3.6 I took a screenshot but it's not very appealing


actionless commented 7 years ago

just current working setup from the laptop: Screenshot

UPD: hidpi:


actionless commented 7 years ago

am i need to re-shot retro-gtk? because most of their screenshots are made in floating for visual appeal :D



lcars layout

gregdel commented 7 years ago


actionless commented 7 years ago


actionless commented 7 years ago


ivanbalashov239 commented 7 years ago

image config is old and awful, i'll port it to awesome 4.0 someday

ghost commented 7 years ago

awesome I haven't really changed much in a long time. I'm pretty satisfied with my current setup. I'll probably test out all the new stuff in 4.0 and update things pretty soon.

lcpz commented 7 years ago

holo 3.0

EDIT: I suggest posting links to configs as well. Mine is in the image.

osleg commented 7 years ago

Modified and converted to Awesome4 @copycat-killer 's powerarrow theme 2017-01-15-034557_1440x900_scrot

folcraed commented 7 years ago

Not much has changed, haven't had time. That, and pretty happy with it as is. watchin videos

folcraed commented 7 years ago

material theme floating Mod edit: thanks

McSinyx commented 7 years ago

Gruvbox everywhere.

Elv13 commented 7 years ago


woefe commented 7 years ago

Laptop setup: laptop

Full album I made for /r/unixporn a while ago. And here is my config.

woefe commented 7 years ago

Desktop setup: Desktop

donRaphaco commented 7 years ago


blueluke commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

xero commented 7 years ago

awesome dots

thekrampus commented 7 years ago

starman-fakebusy My desktop. 2nd monitor omitted -- it's the same thing but bigger. (I'm particularly proud of the music widget)

thekrampus commented 7 years ago

Here's my tablet config. It's in dire need of an update, though... When the keyboard isn't attached, the volume buttons are rebound to modkeys, so you can still use your keybindings.

cmvnd commented 7 years ago

fake 'busy' image

Elv13 commented 7 years ago

One last one (workflow)



Made to show @osleg how the session serialization, tabbing and dynamic layout work in my config

(note that the gif is longer than the gyfcat link)

Edit: keyboard layout utils

tdy commented 7 years ago


WillianPaiva commented 7 years ago


avarx commented 7 years ago

awesome_clean awesome_busy thx to copycat-killer!

AmagicalFishy commented 7 years ago


Here's mine

John23Anthony commented 7 years ago

_001 It's still a work in progress, but the overall look and feel is done.

bew commented 7 years ago

Still work in progress, don't have much time to improve.. sadly screen

wxsh commented 7 years ago

1485288108 Autocolors via wal Still some room for improvement, but overall i am happy with the setup for now.

Rc.lua and theme.lua here:

prikhi commented 7 years ago

Is there a size limit? Started with powerarrow-darker from copycat-killer/awesome-copycats, made it match the molokai vim theme(which is also used in urxvt & firefox).

Use tyrannical for tag management & lain for widgets:

l4mbd0x commented 7 years ago


lcpz commented 7 years ago

Thanks to the new API, I finally satisfied this request.



The left panel is auto-hiding, and the colorscheme is made with val from the wallpaper.

r3-l5-r3 commented 7 years ago


Colorscheme for AwesomeWM and termite is slightly modified base16-harmonic-dark; DuckDuckGo also uses a similar custom colorscheme. Firefox uses the Strange Blue theme, along with the Stylish add-on with 'Linux GTK+ Theme' style.

Dotfiles (WIP) here:

Pablo1107 commented 7 years ago

Look how much you can do with so little.

This is my Arch setup for a HP Pavilion DV7-1097la notebook. The computers has 7 years with full heavy use and it still runs fast enough for getting this bad boy running.

So... in resume. If you want to get full command on your system for maximum perfomance AwesomeWM is the way to go.

captura de pantalla_2017-02-04_04-21-39


Pablo1107 commented 7 years ago

captura de pantalla_2017-02-04_04-39-48

Software used: Firefox w/ Arc theme, Sublime Text 3 Dev, Ncmpcpp, cava, feh, neofetch. System and other info in the screenshoot.

Hope you liked it.

pgagnidze commented 7 years ago


l4mbd0x commented 7 years ago



John23Anthony commented 7 years ago


Still very much a work in progress. The foundation is just about there, all that is left is to expand and clean it up. The wibox in the top centre position hides when no music is playing, and it's always on top when there is.

config files can be found at: