awkward / Tatsi

A drop-in replacement for UIImagePickerController with the ability to select multiple images and/or videos
MIT License
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Is this project still necessary? #50

Open cgarrovillo opened 3 years ago

cgarrovillo commented 3 years ago

With the introduction of the new Photo Picker API see here in WWDC20 called PHPickerViewController, is this even necessary still?

renssies commented 3 years ago

Yes and no.

PHPickerViewController is an awesome new API, however, it is only available in iOS 14 and their are plenty of apps that want to support iOS 13 and iOS 12 as well. Plus Tatsi has more customizability and configuration options than PHPickerViewController, making it suitable for some projects with these needs :)

If you just need the basic functionality of picking multiple photos and videos, then PHPickerViewController is enough for most cases. For more advanced cases things like Tatsi exists :).