awkward / Tatsi

A drop-in replacement for UIImagePickerController with the ability to select multiple images and/or videos
MIT License
110 stars 30 forks source link
photos swift uiimagepickercontroller


Build Status Contact License: MIT

A drop-in replacement for UIImagePickerController with more options and the ability to select multiple images and/or videos.


Albums list Camera Roll Selection


Hi, we're Awkward. We created a customizable image picker for our iOS reddit client called Beam. UIImagePickerController only supports selecting 1 image at a time, but we needed more images in Beam. Tatsi has built in support for selecting multiple images. On top of that, we integrated a camera button directly into the picker. We welcome you to use Tatsi for your own projects.



Submodules/Embedded frameworks (preferred)

  1. Add Tatsi as a submodule to your repository.
  2. Drag Tatsi.xcodeproj into your Xcode project
  3. Go to your Project Settings -> General and add Tatsi under Embedded Frameworks
  4. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription to your Info.plist with a proper description.
  5. (Optional) if you want to use the camera option. You will also need to add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist


  1. Remove Tatsi.h and Info.plist from the Tatsi folder.
  2. Add the contents of the Tatsi folder to your projects
  3. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription to your Info.plist with a proper description.
  4. (Optional) if you want to use the camera option. You will also need to add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist


  1. Add github "awkward/Tatsi" to your Cartfile
  2. Run carthage update Tatsi
  3. Add Tatsi to your project's Embedded Binaries and to the Carthage build phase
  4. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription to your Info.plist with a proper description.
  5. (Optional) if you want to use the camera option. You will also need to add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist


  1. Add pod 'Tatsi' to your Podfile
  2. Run pod install
  3. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription to your Info.plist with a proper description.
  4. (Optional) if you want to use the camera option. You will also need to add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist


  1. Add Import Tatsi and Import Photos to your Swift file. You can skip this step if you used manual installation.
  2. (Optional) Create an instance of TatsiConfig and configure the settings.
  3. Create an instance of TatsiPickerViewController. TatsiPickerViewController(config:) allows you to use the config from the previous step
  4. Implement TatsiPickerViewControllerDelegate
  5. Set the pickerDelegate on TatsiPickerViewController
  6. Present the TatsiPickerViewController


Tatsi is localized in English by default but you can provide your own localization in your project. Simple include the keys in your project's localizable strings. For more information see Localization on the Wiki


Origin of name

Tatsi = Photos in Planco, the language spoken in the game Planet Coaster. Source

Missing parts


We're trying to keep our documentation as updated as possible. Here you can find more information on Tatsi.


Tatsi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
