awkward / Tatsi

A drop-in replacement for UIImagePickerController with the ability to select multiple images and/or videos
MIT License
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Images and Videos don't show up. #9

Closed sonuvr4u closed 6 years ago

sonuvr4u commented 6 years ago

On the simulator and device, config.supportedMediaTypes = [.image] or config.supportedMediaTypes = [.video] The above configuartion doesn't show photos or videos. But config.supportedMediaTypes = [.image, .video] shows up both image and video as expected.

Edit: Never mind. Fixed it by changing to guard self.supportedMediaTypes.contains(.image) || self.supportedMediaTypes.contains(.video) && self.supportedMediaSubTypes == nil else { return nil } in TatsiConfig.swift - line 112. Changed && to ||

renssies commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I will apply this fix in the master branch.

You could also make a PR and claim the credit if you want :)

renssies commented 6 years ago

Fixed it in master and updated Cocoapods. Thanks for notifying me of this issue :)

sonuvr4u commented 6 years ago

Noticed this just now. Couldn't keep track due to my day job. Btw, thanks for the wonderful library!