awlck / MultiplayerHardcore

Spigot plugin for collaborative multiplayer hardcore.
MIT License
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New Ideas for death mechanic #3

Open GameGold231 opened 3 years ago

GameGold231 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you so much for your readiness to help with the Totems of Undying issue I brought up earlier. I had some new ideas pertaining to allowing players to die instead of what is currently implemented.

I had this idea where on PlayerDeathEvent, you could set all players to invulnerable with setInvulnerable, then put them in spectator with setGameMode spectator. This would allow the one player to die while forcing the others out of survival. It might be a good idea to clear inventories now? Not sure. Then we could trigger the new world on PlayerRespawnEvent, then set them back to survival and vulnerable. Let me know what you think!

awlck commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, after 24 or so attempts my group threw in the towel, and I've moved on to other projects.

I agree that the way you suggested would probably be preferable (less jarring for other players), but I probably won't have the time to take this on for a while.