awlck / MultiplayerHardcore

Spigot plugin for collaborative multiplayer hardcore.
MIT License
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A Minecraft (Spigot) plugin for collaborative hardcore. Rather than banning a player when they die (like the Vanilla implementation of hardcore does), create a new world and force everyone to start over. Inspired by this Reddit post.

Note: MultiplayerHardcore is intended to be used on a server of its own. Use BungeeCord networking if you want to offer multiple game modes.



Built for: Spigot 1.16.5, Java 11



Schedule for when players should be allowed onto the server. Possible values for each day are open (all day), closed (all day), or a time span like 16:30-22:00. If the ending time is before the beginning, it is interpreted to be on the next day, e.g. writing FRIDAY: 16:30-02:00 would open the server starting fridays at 16:30hrs (4:30pm) until saturday at 02:00hrs (2am). All times are interpreted as server local time.




Custom messages to display when a player dies. %1$s is replaced with the dying player, %2$s is replaced with the attacker, if applicable (does not apply to the ending message).

For all message categories except ending, you can supply several messages. If you do, one will be chosen at random every time.

For example, if the messages block in your config looks like this:

  ending: "Your journey begins anew..."
    - "%1$s died."
    - "%1$s was shot to death by %2$s."

and a player called "SomeGuy" is killed (shot) by a skeleton, the death message would read:

SomeGuy was shot to death by Skeleton. Your journey begins anew...

However, if they were killed by a Zombie, the message would use the more generic "SomeGuy died" wording, since we didn't set a specific message for ENTITY_ATTACK.



For each player (UUID), lists how often they have died of each cause. There is currently no way to output this nicely.

Commands and Permissions

MultiplayerHardcore does not currently have any commands or permissions to worry about. Everything is handled by config file only.


Memory and Disk Usage

If your server is running out of RAM or disk space to store old attempts, try reducing the number of attempts that are retained (using attempt.attemptsToKeep in the config file). If you can't launch the server to do this, delete the folders manually and remove the relevant blocks from plugins/Multiverse-Core/worlds.yml

Other Game Modes

MultiplayerHardcore is intended to be used on a server of its own. There is no way for players to "opt out of" MultiplayerHardcore, and the plugin will react to deaths in all worlds. Use BungeeCord networking if you want to offer several game modes.