A simple react component for adding a star rating to your project.
npm i react-simple-star-rating
yarn add react-simple-star-rating
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Rating } from 'react-simple-star-rating'
export function MyComponent() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
// Catch Rating value
const handleRating = (rate: number) => {
// other logic
// Optinal callback functions
const onPointerEnter = () => console.log('Enter')
const onPointerLeave = () => console.log('Leave')
const onPointerMove = (value: number, index: number) => console.log(value, index)
return (
<div className='App'>
/* Available Props */
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Rating } from 'react-simple-star-rating'
export function MyComponent() {
const [rating, setRating] = useState(0)
// Catch Rating value
const handleRating = (rate: number) => {
const handleReset = () => {
// Set the initial value
return (
<div className='App'>
{/* set initial value */}
<Rating onClick={handleRating} initialValue={rating} />
<button onClick={handleReset}>reset</button>
Prop | Type | Options | Description | Default |
onClick |
function | Optional | callback with hover , index and event values passed |
- |
onPointerMove |
function | Optional | callback with hover , index and event values passed |
- |
onPointerEnter |
function | Optional | callback with event passed |
- |
onPointerLeave |
function | Optional | callback with event passed |
- |
initialValue |
number | Optional | Set initial value | 0 |
iconsCount |
number | Optional | Number of the icons | 5 |
readonly |
boolean | Optional | Readonly mode | false |
rtl |
boolean | Optional | RTL mode | false |
transition |
boolean | Optional | Adds a smooth transition effect on mouse hover | false |
allowFraction |
boolean | Optional | Enable a fractional icon (half icon) | false |
className |
string | Optional | Applied to the main span |
react-simple-star-rating |
style |
CSSProperties | Optional | Inline style applied to the main span |
basic style |
size |
number | Optional | SVG Icon width / height in px |
25 |
SVGstrokeColor |
string | Optional | SVG Icon stroke color | currentColor |
SVGstorkeWidth |
string | number | Optional | SVG Icon storke width | 0 |
SVGclassName |
string | Optional | SVG Icon css class | star-svg |
SVGstyle |
CSSProperties | Optional | SVG inline style | - |
fillIcon |
ReactNode | Optional | Custom fill icon SVG | null |
fillColor |
string | Optional | Fill icons color | #f1a545 |
fillColorArray |
array | Optional | Array of string to add color range | [] |
fillStyle |
CSSProperties | Optional | Inline style applied to filled icon span |
basic style |
fillClassName |
string | Optional | Applied to the filled icon span |
filled-icons |
emptyIcon |
ReactNode | Optional | Custom empty icon SVG | null |
emptyColor |
string | Optional | Empty icons color | #cccccc |
emptyStyle |
CSSProperties | Optional | Inline style applied to empty icon span |
basic style |
emptyClassName |
string | Optional | Applied to the empty icon span |
empty-icons |
customIcons |
array of object | Optional | Add a group of icons | [] |
allowHover |
boolean | Optional | Enable / Disable hover effect | true |
disableFillHover |
boolean | Optional | Enable / Disable hover effect on filled stars | false |
allowTitleTag |
boolean | Optional | Enable / Disable HTMLtitle Tag |
true |
showTooltip |
boolean | Optional | Show a tooltip with live values | false |
tooltipDefaultText |
string | Optional | Initial tooltip text if no rating value | Your Rate |
tooltipArray |
array | Optional | Array of strings to show inside tooltip | [] |
tooltipClassName |
string | Optional | Tooltip CSS class | rating-tooltip |
tooltipStyle |
CSSProperties | Optional | Inline style applied to the tooltip span |
basic style |
titleSeparator |
string | Optional | Separator word in a title of a rating star (1 out of 5) |
out of |
old | new | changes |
allowHalfIcon |
allowFraction |
Renamed |
fullIcon |
fillIcon |
Renamed |
fullStyle |
fillStyle |
Renamed |
fullClassName |
fillClassName |
Renamed |
ratingValue |
- |
Removed |
See all demos and usage examples in action.
MIT © awran5