aws-ia / terraform-aws-iam-identity-center

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AWS IAM Identity Center Terraform Module



  sso_groups = {
    Admin : {
      group_name        = "Admin"
      group_description = "Admin IAM Identity Center Group"

  // Create desired USERS in IAM Identity Center
  sso_users = {
    nuzumaki : {
      group_membership = ["Admin",]
      user_name        = "nuzumaki"
      given_name       = "Naruto"
      family_name      = "Uzumaki"
      email            = "nuzumaki@hiddenleaf.village"

The object/principal names are referenced throughout the module. Failure to follow this guidance may lead to unintentional errors such as the following:

Error: Invalid index
│   on ../../ line 141, in resource "aws_identitystore_group_membership" "sso_group_membership":
│  141:   member_id = (contains(local.this_users, each.value.user_name) ? aws_identitystore_user.sso_users[each.value.user_name].user_id : data.aws_identitystore_user.existing_sso_users[each.value.user_name].id)
│     ├────────────────
│     │ aws_identitystore_user.sso_users is object with 2 attributes
│     │ each.value.user_name is "nuzumaki"
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

To resolve this, ensure your object and principal names are the same (case-sensitive) and re-run terraform plan and terraform apply.

Basic Usage - Create Users and Groups with AWS Managed Policies

// This is a template file for a basic deployment.
// Modify the parameters below with actual values

module "aws-iam-identity-center" {
  source = "aws-ia/iam-identity-center/aws"

  // Create desired GROUPS in IAM Identity Center
  sso_groups = {
    Admin : {
      group_name        = "Admin"
      group_description = "Admin IAM Identity Center Group"
    Dev : {
      group_name        = "Dev"
      group_description = "Dev IAM Identity Center Group"
    QA : {
      group_name        = "QA"
      group_description = "QA IAM Identity Center Group"
    Audit : {
      group_name        = "Audit"
      group_description = "Audit IAM Identity Center Group"

  // Create desired USERS in IAM Identity Center
  sso_users = {
    nuzumaki : {
      group_membership = ["Admin", "Dev", "QA", "Audit"]
      user_name        = "nuzumaki"
      given_name       = "Naruto"
      family_name      = "Uzumaki"
      email            = "nuzumaki@hiddenleaf.village"
    suchiha : {
      group_membership = ["QA", "Audit"]
      user_name        = "suchiha"
      given_name       = "Sasuke"
      family_name      = "Uchiha"
      email            = "suchiha@hiddenleaf.village"

  // Create permissions sets backed by AWS managed policies
  permission_sets = {
    AdministratorAccess = {
      description          = "Provides AWS full access permissions.",
      session_duration     = "PT4H", // how long until session expires - this means 4 hours. max is 12 hours
      aws_managed_policies = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"]
      tags                 = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }
    ViewOnlyAccess = {
      description          = "Provides AWS view only permissions.",
      session_duration     = "PT3H", // how long until session expires - this means 3 hours. max is 12 hours
      aws_managed_policies = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/job-function/ViewOnlyAccess"]
      tags                 = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }
    CustomPermissionAccess = {
      description          = "Provides CustomPoweruser permissions.",
      session_duration     = "PT3H", // how long until session expires - this means 3 hours. max is 12 hours
      aws_managed_policies = [
      inline_policy        = data.aws_iam_policy_document.CustomPermissionInlinePolicy.json

      // Only either managed_policy_arn or customer_managed_policy_reference can be specified.
      // Before using customer_managed_policy_reference, first deploy the policy to the account.
      // Don't in-place managed_policy_arn to/from customer_managed_policy_reference, delete it once.
      permissions_boundary = {
        // managed_policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess"

        customer_managed_policy_reference = {
          name = "ExamplePermissionsBoundaryPolicy"
          // path = "/"
      tags                 = { ManagedBy = "Terraform" }

  // Assign users/groups access to accounts with the specified permissions
  account_assignments = {
    Admin : {
      principal_name  = "Admin"                                   # name of the user or group you wish to have access to the account(s)
      principal_type  = "GROUP"                                   # principal type (user or group) you wish to have access to the account(s)
      principal_idp   = "INTERNAL"                                # type of Identity Provider you are using. Valid values are "INTERNAL" (using Identity Store) or "EXTERNAL" (using external IdP such as EntraID, Okta, Google, etc.)
      permission_sets = ["AdministratorAccess", "ViewOnlyAccess"] # permissions the user/group will have in the account(s)
      account_ids = [                                             # account(s) the group will have access to. Permissions they will have in account are above line
      "111111111111", // replace with your desired account id
      "222222222222", // replace with your desired account id
    Audit : {
      principal_name  = "Audit"
      principal_type  = "GROUP"
      principal_idp   = "INTERNAL"
      permission_sets = ["ViewOnlyAccess"]
      account_ids = [



See the file for information on how to contribute.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14.0
aws >= 4.35.0
awscc >= 0.55.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.35.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_identitystore_group.sso_groups resource
aws_identitystore_group_membership.sso_group_membership resource
aws_identitystore_group_membership.sso_group_membership_existing_google_sso_users resource
aws_identitystore_user.sso_users resource
aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment.account_assignment resource
aws_ssoadmin_customer_managed_policy_attachment.pset_customer_managed_policy resource
aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment.pset_aws_managed_policy resource
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.pset resource
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy.pset_inline_policy resource
aws_ssoadmin_permissions_boundary_attachment.pset_permissions_boundary_aws_managed resource
aws_ssoadmin_permissions_boundary_attachment.pset_permissions_boundary_customer_managed resource
aws_identitystore_group.existing_sso_groups data source
aws_identitystore_user.existing_google_sso_users data source
aws_identitystore_user.existing_sso_users data source
aws_organizations_organization.organization data source
aws_ssoadmin_instances.sso_instance data source
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.existing_permission_sets data source


Name Description Type Default Required
account_assignments List of maps containing mapping between user/group, permission set and assigned accounts list. See account_assignments description in README for more information about map values.
principal_name = string
principal_type = string
principal_idp = string # acceptable values are either "INTERNAL" or "EXTERNAL"
permission_sets = list(string)
account_ids = list(string)
{} no
existing_google_sso_users Names of the existing Google users that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center.
user_name = string
group_membership = optional(list(string), null) // only used if your IdP only syncs users, and you wish to manage which groups they should go in
{} no
existing_permission_sets Names of the existing permission_sets that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center.
permission_set_name = string
{} no
existing_sso_groups Names of the existing groups that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center.
group_name = string
{} no
existing_sso_users Names of the existing users that you wish to reference from IAM Identity Center.
user_name = string
group_membership = optional(list(string), null) // only used if your IdP only syncs users, and you wish to manage which groups they should go in
{} no
permission_sets Permission Sets that you wish to create in IAM Identity Center. This variable is a map of maps containing Permission Set names as keys. See permission_sets description in README for information about map values. any {} no
sso_groups Names of the groups you wish to create in IAM Identity Center.
group_name = string
group_description = optional(string, null)
{} no
sso_users Names of the users you wish to create in IAM Identity Center.
display_name = optional(string)
user_name = string
group_membership = list(string)
# Name
given_name = string
middle_name = optional(string, null)
family_name = string
name_formatted = optional(string)
honorific_prefix = optional(string, null)
honorific_suffix = optional(string, null)
# Email
email = string
email_type = optional(string, null)
is_primary_email = optional(bool, true)
# Phone Number
phone_number = optional(string, null)
phone_number_type = optional(string, null)
is_primary_phone_number = optional(bool, true)
# Address
country = optional(string, " ")
locality = optional(string, " ")
address_formatted = optional(string)
postal_code = optional(string, " ")
is_primary_address = optional(bool, true)
region = optional(string, " ")
street_address = optional(string, " ")
address_type = optional(string, null)
# Additional
user_type = optional(string, null)
title = optional(string, null)
locale = optional(string, null)
nickname = optional(string, null)
preferred_language = optional(string, null)
profile_url = optional(string, null)
timezone = optional(string, null)
{} no


Name Description
account_assignment_data Tuple containing account assignment data
principals_and_assignments Map containing account assignment data
sso_groups_ids A map of SSO groups ids created by this module