aws-robotics / aws-robomaker-sample-application-helloworld

Demonstrates the structure of ROS projects that work with AWS RoboMaker by creating a robot spinning in an empty world.
MIT No Attribution
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AWS RoboMaker Sample Application - Hello World

This demonstrates the structure of a ROS project that works with RoboMaker by creating a robot spinning in an empty world.

RoboMaker sample applications include third-party software licensed under open-source licenses and is provided for demonstration purposes only. Incorporation or use of RoboMaker sample applications in connection with your production workloads or a commercial products or devices may affect your legal rights or obligations under the applicable open-source licenses. Source code information can be found here.

Installing Requirements

The following will be installed:

source scripts/



The TURTLEBOT3_MODEL environment variable is optional when running both robot and simulation application. Default value is waffle_pi. Valid values are burger, waffle, and waffle_pi. Set it by

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=<robot-model>

Launch the application with the following commands:

Note that when running robot applications on a robot, use_sim_time should be set to false (which is the default value in When running robot applications along with simulation applications, use_sim_time should be set to true for both applications (which is the default value in both and

When running simulation applications, run command with gui:=true to run gazebo client for visualization

Run with a WorldForge world

After exporting a world from WorldForge, we can unzip the content and move under simulation_ws package:

mv aws_robomaker_worldforge_pkgs simulation_ws/src/

Build it again

cd simulation_ws
colcon build

Launch the application with the following commands:

source simulation_ws/install/
roslaunch hello_world_simulation worldforge_world.launch

By default, WorldForge packages will load the exported world. To override, specify the environment variable WORLD_ID.

# use worldId found in "src/aws_robomaker_worldforge_worlds/worlds"
# e.g, generation_05wq8sybdcn2_world_1
export WORLD_ID=<worldId>  

Using this sample with RoboMaker

You first need to install Docker and VCS Import Tool (if you use VCS Import Tool). Python 3.5 or above is required.

pip3 install vcstool

After Docker and VCS Import Tool is installed you need to build your robot or simulation docker images:

# Import dependencies defined in .rosinstall to each source directory using vcs import
vcs import robot_ws < robot_ws/.rosinstall
vcs import simulation_ws < simulation_ws/.rosinstall

# Building Robot Application Docker Image
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . \
--build-arg ROS_DISTRO=melodic \
--build-arg LOCAL_WS_DIR=./robot_ws \
--build-arg APP_NAME=helloworld-robot-app \
-t robomaker-helloworld-robot-app

# Building Simulation Application Docker Image
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . \
--build-arg GAZEBO_VERSION=gazebo-9 \
--build-arg ROS_DISTRO=melodic \
--build-arg LOCAL_WS_DIR=./simulation_ws \
--build-arg APP_NAME=helloworld-sim-app \
-t robomaker-helloworld-sim-app

This produces the Docker Images robomaker-helloworld-robot-app and robomaker-helloworld-sim-app respectively which you can view by running:

# Listing your Docker Images
docker images

You'll need to upload these images to Amazon ECR, then you can use these files to create a robot application, create a simulation application, and create a simulation job in RoboMaker. Visit the preparing-ros-application-and-simulation-containers-for-aws-robomaker blog post to find the steps to upload these docker images to Amazon ECR.

ROS Nodes launched by this Sample

Nodes created by this sample


ROS Topics used by this Sample



MIT-0 - See LICENSE for further information

How to Contribute

Create issues and pull requests against this Repository on Github