aws-samples / amazon-chime-sdk-recording-demo

Apache License 2.0
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Amazon Chime SDK recording demo

This repository contains resources for building a demo application that records media from Amazon Chime SDK meeting sessions. Included is a Docker image and serverless AWS CloudFormation templates that you can deploy to your AWS Account. The Walkthrough will show you how to create a container using the Docker image and upload it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), which is referenced by a Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) task. AWS CloudFormation templates orchestrate resources (including Amazon APIGateway, Amazon Lambda, and Amazon ECS) that run the recording demo application. When deployed, the startRecording API will enable "a bot" (i.e. a headless meeting attendee) to join an Amazon Chime SDK meeting session via a URL and record the meeting's audio, video and screen share in high definition (1080p at 30fps by default, but configurable) and stream output to a specified Amazon S3 bucket. The stopRecording API will stop the ECS task and complete the upload.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:


The sections as enumerated below will walk you through the process of creating and recording a Chime SDK meeting:

Create an AWS Cloud9 environment

Note: Use the same AWS Region to create your Cloud9 environment where you want to deploy the recording application.

  1. Log into the AWS console with your AWS credentials and go to the AWS Cloud9 Console. Note: This link is for us-east-1 region.
  2. If you have previously set up a AWS Cloud9 environment in your account you can use it and skip this step entirely.
  3. Press the Create environment button or go here.
  4. For the Name enter and press the Next step button.
  5. For Environment Settings
    • For Instance Type, select Other instance type and select t3.medium from the dropdown.
    • For Platform, select Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
    • Press the Next step button.
  6. Review the Environment name and settings and press the Create environment button. You can optionally use your own Amazon EC2 instance if you have configured.
  7. Wait for the environment to start.

Create a Amazon ECR repository, build and push the docker image to Amazon ECR

  1. In the AWS Cloud9 instance, run the below command to create a repository in Amazon ECR

    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <repository-name>

    You will get a response similar to this

        "repository": {
            "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:123456789012:repository/chime-sdk-recording-demo",
            "registryId": "123456789012",
            "repositoryName": "chime-sdk-recording-demo",
            "repositoryUri": "",
            "createdAt": 1585247726.0,
            "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE",
            "imageScanningConfiguration": {
                "scanOnPush": false
  2. In the AWS Cloud9 instance, execute the following commands to download the recording demo.

    git clone
    cd amazon-chime-sdk-recording-demo
  3. Execute the following command with the value of repositoryUri from step 1 to build and push the docker image to Amazon ECR

    make ECR_REPO_URI=<repositoryUri>

    Once the above commands execute successfully you will see an entry for the image in Amazon ECR as follows:

    ECR Repo

    Note: If this command fails due to AWS CLI version 2.0 not available, you can follow the instructions given here: Installing the AWS CLI version 2 on Linux and try again.

Deploy an Amazon Chime SDK Recording AWS CloudFormation Template

  1. Execute the following command to create a AWS CloudFormation stack containing an Amazon ECS cluster, Amazon ECS task definition, Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon Lambda and an Amazon API Gateway deployment along with IAM roles and networking resources required for the Amazon ECS Cluster including an Amazon VPC, subnets, security groups, and an auto-scaling group.

    node ./deploy.js -b <my-bucket> -s <my-stack> -i <my-docker-image-uri> -r <region>

    Here is an example:

    node ./deploy.js -b recording-demo-cnf-deploy-bucket -s recording-demo-cnf-stack -i -r us-east-1

    The above step deploys an AWS CloudFormation stack that creates resources needed to run the recording service. It may take several minutes to complete. You will get an Amazon API Gateway invoke URL in the output. Deploy output

Start an Amazon Chime SDK meeting with our serverless demo and join with multiple participants

  1. At this point you can use our Amazon Chime SDK demo application by executing the following

    cd ../
    git clone
    cd amazon-chime-sdk-js/demos/serverless
    npm install
  2. Deploy the demo using:

    node ./deploy.js -r us-east-1 -b <my-bucket> -s <my-stack-name> -a meeting

    The script will create an Amazon S3 bucket and AWS CloudFormation stack with Amazon Lambda and Amazon API Gateway resources required to run this demo. After the script finishes, it will output a URL that can be opened in a browser.

    You will get a URL similar to in the output of this step.

  3. Open the Amazon Chime SDK serverless demo application using the link which was obtained in the previous step in multiple tabs in any web browser supported by the Amazon Chime SDK to simulate several participant joins. Optionally enable video or content sharing modalities for each participant in addition to audio.

    NOTE: This would be the meetingURL that would be used later for passing as a parameter to the StartRecording API. It would look something like this<meeting-id>. See the screenshot below to see the URL highlighted in the red box.

    Serverless demo

    Example: If the meeting URL is, then the encoded URL which needs to be passed to the meeting recorder should look like

Start the meeting recording

There are multiple ways for invoking a REST API in Amazon API Gateway. In this example we will use the Postman app.

  1. Follow the steps highlighted in this document to install the Postman app.

    You need to select “AWS Signature” and add your AccessKey, SecretKey & AWS Region in the Authorization tab.

    postman auth

  2. Start recording by passing start to recordingAction and a url encoded to meetingURL for our demo application as query parameters in the POST request to API Gateway.

    start recording

    At this point the entire web page is captured by FFmpeg at 1280 X 720 fidelity and automatically transcoded and uploaded to Amazon S3. The file created in Amazon S3 will remain hidden until the capture is complete. Our demo application has been modified to suppress prompts for input device permissions and display customized UI for the recording bot.

    recording bot

Stop the recording and view the recording artifact

  1. To stop the recording, we need to pass the ECS task ARN(received in the API response which started the recording) to taskId, and stop to recordingAction.

    stop recording

  2. Once the recording stops, open the AWS Console and navigate to Amazon S3. You will find a recording in the bucket chime-meeting-sdk-<aws-account-id>-<region>-recordings, with a key name YYYY/MM/DD/HH/.mp4.

    recording artifacts

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, please delete any resources in your account that you are not using such as files in Amazon S3, Amazon ECS and Amazon Lambda instances, AWS Cloud9 environment and Amazon API Gateway entries.


  1. If you encounter IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device. during deployment, you can remove unused docker images/process by:

    docker system prune
    or manually remove docker containers
    docker rm ID_or_Name 
    and/or manually remove docker images
    docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
  2. How to reduce the start time of the bot joining the meeting?

    Here are some improvements that you can make to reduce the start latency.

    1. There is a ECS_IMAGE_PULL_BEHAVIOR in ecs-agent-config which you can use to cache the docker image. This reduces the time to pull the image from ECR and use it to spin up the ECS Task. But for using this, you might have to get rid of this placement constraint to use distinct instances for placing your tasks. If you use a larger instance to run multiple recording tasks in the same instance, we have noticed the task startup time as quick as 2-3 seconds. Then some additional time is taken for the Firefox to start up and initialize ffmpeg.

    2. This would be a big change but one other improvement that you can do is to use ECS Service to have a bunch of tasks running and listening to a queue/source for incoming requests. So here, instead of calling startRecording -> ECS RunTask API or stopRecording -> ECS StopTask API, you would already have a service with n number of tasks running (which would already have Firefox and ffmpeg and other dependencies installed and running) and it can start recording as soon as a request comes in (in the source).

  3. Does Amazon Chime SDK support capturing the contents of their Amazon Chime SDK meeting like audio, video, and content share streams?

    On Jul 7, 2021, Amazon Chime launched a new feature to captures meeting audio, video, and content share streams in 5 second segments and directly delivers them, along with meeting events and data messages, to developer’s designated S3 bucket. You can read more about this here. There is also a new demo (Ref: amazon-chime-media-capture-pipeline-demo) which demonstrates how to build and configure several services within AWS so that you can capture the media of a meeting to an S3 bucket and then process that output into a complete video file

  4. How to adjust audio delay?

    Lip-sync can be affected by the underlying instance type. You can adjust the audio delay relative to the video by modifying the following line in amazon-chime-sdk-recording-demo/recording/record.js: '-filter_complex', 'adelay=delays=350|350, aresample=async=1:first_pts=0',. Change the adelay=delay=350|350 to lower numbers (both the same) to decrease the audio delay and increase it to increase the audio delay.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

Disclaimer: You and your end users understand that recording Amazon Chime SDK meetings with this feature may be subject to laws or regulations regarding the recording of electronic communications, and that it is your and your end users’ responsibility to comply with all applicable laws regarding the recording, including properly notifying all participants in a recorded session or to a recorded communication that the session or communication is being recorded and obtain their consent.

Disclaimer: Deploying the Amazon Chime SDK demo applications contained in this repository will cause your AWS Account to be billed for services, including the Amazon Chime SDK, used by the application.