aws-samples / amazon-sagemaker-feature-store-end-to-end-workshop

MIT No Attribution
124 stars 48 forks source link

SageMaker Feature Store Workshop


Please Note: This repository includes a github submodule (ml-lineage-helper) which must also be cloned for certain notebook examples to run properly. Therefore, you must include the --recursive option when running git clone, like this:

~$ git clone --recursive

If you have already cloned the repository and need to pull the submodule code, you can run this command from the top-level directory of the repo:

~$ git submodule update --init --recursive

You should notice these lines of output during the clone of the submodule:

Submodule 'ml-lineage-helper' ( registered for path 'ml-lineage-helper' Cloning into '/home/sagemaker-user/workshops/amazon-sagemaker-feature-store-end-to-end-workshop/ml-lineage-helper'...