Customers often ask how they can streamline the management and maintenance of their Amazon WorkSpaces images and bundles. The WorkSpaces service includes a rich set of API operations with which you can programmatically interact with the service. A common customer struggle is programmatically interacting with the operating system within the WorkSpace to install and configure applications to customize their image. In this blog, I walk you through how to set up a serverless automation pipeline to create a customized WorkSpaces Windows OS based image.
This repository contains the supporting scripts for the AWS Desktop and Application Streaming blog article Automatically create customized Amazon WorkSpaces Windows images. Please refer to the blog article for guidance on deploying the solution.
Once you have successfully deployed the solution and ran the sample automation pipeline, you should customize the applications installed into the image and the parameters of the workflow to meet your needs.
For any parameters not specified in the Step Function execution JSON, a default value will be used. These default values can be viewed and/or modified on the Lambda function that creates the image builder.
Default values were entered when the automation was deployed from CloudFormation. These values are used as inputs into the Step Function running the automation and the below parameters can be passed into the Step Function to override them. Options include:
The InstallRoutine JSON parameter defines the steps that run on your image builder WorkSpace such as installing software, runing commands, and configuring settings. These parameter is passed as a list of lists. There are currently four types of commands supported by the pipeline:
DOWNLOAD_S3: This command generates a presigned URL that allows the image builder WorkSpace to download a file from your S3 bucket. It has two additional attributes. The first is the URL to the file in S3 (s3://bucketname/file.ext), and the second is an option local path on the WorkSpace to download the file to. If the local path is not define, the file will be downloaded to a temporary folder location, C:\wks_automation, that is automatically cleaned up at the end of the pipeline. The local path must have its backslashes (\) doubled up (\\) to keep the syntax valid. The Lambda function IAM policy (WKS_Automation_Windows_Lambda_Role__#######) needs to allow access to this bucket. ["DOWNLOAD_S3","s3://wks-automation-installer-source-d3dcc6e0/putty/putty-64bit-0.80-installer.msi","c:\wks_automation\putty\"]
DOWNLOAD_HTTP: This command downloads a file to the image builder WorkSpace off a webpage or repository. It has two additional attributes. The first is the URL to the file, and the second is an option local path on the WorkSpace to download the file to. If the local path is not define, the file will be downloaded to a temporary folder location, C:\wks_automation, that is automatically cleaned up at the end of the pipeline. The local path must have its backslashes (\) doubled up (\\) to keep the syntax valid. ["DOWNLOAD_HTTP",""]
RUN_POWERSHELL: This will run a PowerShell command on the image builder WorkSpace. Note that any use of backslashes (\) must be doubled up (\\) to keep the syntax valid. ["RUN_POWERSHELL","New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\CommunityBlog\Scripts' -Name 'Version' -Value '42' -PropertyType DWORD -Force"]
RUN_COMMAND: This will run a Command Prompt command on the image builder WorkSpace. Note that any use of backslashes (\) must be doubled up (\\) to keep the syntax valid. ["RUN_COMMAND","mkdir c:\temp\"]
Below is a sample InstallRoutine value that downloads two files, one from S3 and one from the internet, runs the commands to silently install both, and sets a regitry key.
"InstallRoutine" : [
["RUN_COMMAND","msiexec /i c:\\wks_automation\\putty\\putty-installer.msi /qn"],
["RUN_COMMAND","c:\\wks_automation\\npp.8.6.Installer.x64.exe /S"],
["RUN_POWERSHELL", "New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\\Software\\Amazon -Name Automated_Image -Value true -PropertyType String -Force"]
The image creation pipeline can optinally trigger Windows Updates utilizing the PSWindowsUpdate PowerShell module. You have the option to run the Windows Update portion of the workflow by including the SkipWindowsUpdates in the input JSON statement, and settings it to false. By default, your Windows WorkSpaces are configured to receive updates from directly from Microsoft via Windows Update over the internet. If you do not configure any Windows Updates settings with a GPO attached to your image creation OU, then your WorkSpaces will continue to receive approved updates from Microsoft. Alternatively, you can configure your own update mechanisms for Windows. See the documentation for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or the systems management platform you have in place for details.
An example JSON statement used to start an execution of the automation Step Function can be found below. In this example, several of the above parameters are entered to control the behavior of the automation. Replace the XXXXXX with the S3 bucket you uploaded the PuTTY installer into.
"DeleteBuilder": true,
"CreateBundle": true,
"SkipWindowsUpdates": true,
"ImageNamePrefix": "WKS_Blog_Test",
"ImageTags": [
"Key": "Automation",
"Value": "Test run"
"Key": "Blog",
"Value": "pipeline test"
"BundleNamePrefix": "WKS_Blog_Test",
"BundleDescription": "This bundle uses an image containing Notepad++ and PuTTY.",
"InstallRoutine": [
"msiexec /i c:\\wks_automation\\putty\\putty-installer.msi /qn"
"c:\\wks_automation\npp.8.6.6.Installer.x64.exe /S"
"New-Item -Path HKLM:\\Software\\AmazonBlog -Force"
"New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\\Software\\AmazonBlog -Name Automated_Image -Value true -PropertyType String -Force"
These example parameters will run the AWS Step Functions state machine resulting in a customized WorkSpaces image and bundle named WKS_Blog_Test-timestamp. The image will have two tags applied to it, will have PuTTY and Notepad++ installed, and will have a registry key set. Once complete the state machine will delete the image builder WorkSpace used to create the image.
The configuration routine expects silent installs and properly formatted commands. That being said, there are times when you need to troubleshoot and investigate failures. The WKS_Automation_Windows_FN03_Configuration_Routine Lambda function writes each of the actions, and their results, to the CloudWatch log. Additionally, if any of the commands do not return a status code of 0, then they are considered a failure and the command and return code are added to InstallRoutineErrors list. This value is passed along the Step Function steps and you can view it on the Output tabs of the Step Function. The final count of errors and their details are included in the final email that is sent at the end of the pipeline.
You created several components that may generate costs based on usage. To avoid incurring future charges, remove the following resources.
Remove the S3 buckets used to store the .zip files containing the Lambda function code and the S3 bucket holding the software installation packages.
Remove any WorkSpaces bundles and images created from the automation.
Remove any image builder WorkSpaces created by the automation that remain.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.