aws-samples / aws-eda-slurm-cluster

AWS Slurm Cluster for EDA Workloads
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AWS EDA Slurm Cluster

This repository contains an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) application that creates a Slurm cluster that is suitable for running production EDA workloads on AWS.

The original (legacy) version of this repo that used a custom Python plugin to integrate Slurm with AWS has been deprecated and is no longer supported. It can be found on the v1 branch. The latest version of the repo uses AWS ParallelCluster for the core Slurm infrastructure and AWS integration. The big advantage of moving to AWS ParallelCluster is that it is a supported AWS service. Currently, some of the features of the legacy version are not supported in the ParallelCluster version, but work continues to add features to ParallelCluster so that those features may be supported in the future.

Key features are:

Features in the legacy version and not in the ParallelCluster version:

ParallelCluster Limitations

Slurm Limitations

Operating System and Processor Architecture Support

This Slurm cluster supports the following OSes:


This Slurm cluster supports both Intel/AMD (x86_64) based instances and ARM Graviton2 (arm64/aarch64) based instances.

Graviton instances require Amazon Linux 2 or RedHat 8 operating systems. RedHat 7 and CentOS 7 do not support Graviton 2.

This provides the following different combinations of OS and processor architecture.


Note that in ParallelCluster, all compute nodes must have the same OS and architecture.


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See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.