aws-samples / data-engineering-for-aws-immersion-day

Lab Instructions for Data Engineering Immersion Day
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Amazon Web Services Data Engineering Immersion Day

Welcome to the lab Instruction!


Instructor Led :

Self-paced : If you want to run pre-requisite steps by yourself:

Click the Deploy to AWS icons below to stand up the RDS database infrastructure.

Region Launch Template
N.Virginia (us-east-1) Launch CloudFormation

What you'll do:

These labs are designed to be completed in sequence, and the full set of instructions are documented below. Read and follow along to complete the labs. Our lab instructor will give you a high-level overview of the labs and help answer any questions. Don't worry if you get stuck, we provide hints along the way.

Ensure your region is US East (N. Virginia)

Let's Begin!

AutoComplete DMS lab:

Download the lab instruction file

This lab is designed to automate the Data Lake hydration with AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS), so we can fast forward to Lab2-Transforming in the data lake with Glue.

If you prefer to get hands-on with AWS DMS service, please skip this lab and proceed to Workshop Setup and Lab1-Hydrateing the data lake via DMS

^ back to the top

Workshop Setup:

  1. Open the CloudFormation launch template link in a new tab. It will load a CloudFormation Dashboard and start the creation process for your lab environment, which deploys:
    - A required Virtual Private Cloud for the DMS
    - An Amazon S3 bucket for the Data Lake
    - A required S3 bucket policy to restrict the data access by AWS DMS service
    - A Glue Service Role to use in later hands-on lab

Click the Deploy to AWS icons below to stand up the core workshop infrastructure.

Region Launch Template
N.Virginia (us-east-1) Launch CloudFormation
  1. The template will automatically take you to the CloudFormation Console and start the stack creation process in N.Virginia region.

Proceed through the wizard to launch the stack. Leave all options at their default values, but make sure to check the box to allow CloudFormation to create IAM roles on your behalf:

IAM resources acknowledgement

See the Events tab for progress on the stack launch that may take up to 5 minutes. You can also see details of any problems here if the launch fails. Proceed to the next step once the stack status advances to "CREATE_COMPLETE".

  1. Click in the Output tab and take note of value for BucketName, GlueLabRole and DMSLabRoleS3, which you are going to use in future labs.

output tab


At this point, the data lake workshop environment has been setup, looks like this:

all output

^ back to top

Lab 1 - Hydrating the data lake via DMS

Download the lab1 instruction file

Here's what you're going to work on in lab 1:

Lab 1 Architecture


At this point, your DMS task should be finished with 'load Complete' status, and 16 tables are loaded in S3 from RDS by DMS

Lab 1 done

^ back to the top

Lab 2 - Transforming data with Glue

Download the lab2 instruction file

Here's what you're going to work on in lab 2:

Lab 2 Architecture


Nice work! You've successfully converted CSV raw data to Parquet, and added parquet tables to the Glue Data Catalog

Lab 2 done

^ back to top

Lab 3 - Consuming data with Athena and Quicksight

Download the lab3 instruction file

Here's what you're going to work on in lab 3:

Lab 3 Architecture


Sweet! Now you have queried the Data Lake and visualized it in QuickSight. Next, We'll consume the Data Lake via machine learning.

^ back to top

Lab 4 - Machine learning in the data lake

Download the lab4 instruction file

Here's what you will be implementing:

Lab 4


Congratulations, you've successfully built the Data Lake from end to end. If you have time, try the optional steps in the 4 labs above. Otherwise, please remember to follow the steps below in the Workshop Cleanup to make sure all assets created during the workshop are removed so you do not see unexpected charges after today.

^ back to the top

Lab 5 - AWS Lake Formation Lab

Make sure you have completed

Download the lab5 instruction file

Lab 6 - Modernize Data Warehouse with Amazon Redshift Spectrum

In this lab, we show you how to query petabytes of data with Amazon Redshift and exabytes of data in your Amazon S3 data lake, without loading or moving objects. We will also demonstrate how you can leverage views which union data in direct attached storage as well as in your S3 Datalake to create a single source of truth. Finally, we will demonstrate strategies for aging off old data into S3 and maintaining only the most recent data in Amazon Redshift direct attached storage.


Before You Begin

This lab requires a new Redshift cluster in US-WEST-2 (Oregon), use the following link to

And gather the following information from the stack output above:

What Happened in 2016

In the first part of this lab, we will perform the following activities:

Build your DDL

Login to your query editor, create a schema workshop_das and table workshop_das.green_201601_csv for tables that will reside on the Redshift compute nodes, AKA the Redshift direct-attached storage (DAS) tables.


```python CREATE SCHEMA workshop_das; CREATE TABLE workshop_das.green_201601_csv ( vendorid VARCHAR(4), pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP, dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP, store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR(1), ratecode INT, pickup_longitude FLOAT4, pickup_latitude FLOAT4, dropoff_longitude FLOAT4, dropoff_latitude FLOAT4, passenger_count INT, trip_distance FLOAT4, fare_amount FLOAT4, extra FLOAT4, mta_tax FLOAT4, tip_amount FLOAT4, tolls_amount FLOAT4, ehail_fee FLOAT4, improvement_surcharge FLOAT4, total_amount FLOAT4, payment_type VARCHAR(4), trip_type VARCHAR(4) ) DISTSTYLE EVEN SORTKEY (passenger_count,pickup_datetime); ```

Build your Copy Command


```python COPY workshop_das.green_201601_csv FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/NYC-Pub/green/green_tripdata_2016-01.csv' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' DATEFORMAT 'auto' IGNOREHEADER 1 DELIMITER ',' IGNOREBLANKLINES ; ```


``` select count(1) from workshop_das.green_201601_csv; --1445285 ```

HINT: The [Your-Redshift_Role_ARN] in the above command should be replaced by the CloudFormation output value at the beginning of the lab.

Pin-point the Blizzard

In this month, there is a date which had the lowest number of taxi rides due to a blizzard. Can you find that date?

SQL-Based Hint

```python SELECT TO_CHAR(pickup_datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), COUNT(*) FROM workshop_das.green_201601_csv GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; ```

Go Back in Time

In the next part of this lab, we will perform the following activities:

Note the partitioning scheme is Year, Month, Type (where Type is a taxi company). Here's a quick Screenshot:

Create external schema (and DB) for Redshift Spectrum

Because external tables are stored in a shared Glue Catalog for use within the AWS ecosystem, they can be built and maintained using a few different tools, e.g. Athena, Redshift, and Glue.


```python CREATE external SCHEMA adb305 FROM data catalog DATABASE 'spectrumdb' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' CREATE external DATABASE if not exists; ```


```python SELECT TO_CHAR(pickup_datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), COUNT(*) FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE YEAR = 2016 and Month = 01 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; ```

Add a Redshift Spectrum Query Monitoring Rule to ensure reasonable use

In Amazon Redshift workload management (WLM), query monitoring rules define metrics-based performance boundaries for WLM queues and specify what action to take when a query goes beyond those boundaries. Setup a Query Monitoring Rule to ensure reasonable use.

Take a look at SVL_QUERY_METRICS_SUMMARY view shows the maximum values of metrics for completed queries. This view is derived from the STL_QUERY_METRICS system table. Use the values in this view as an aid to determine threshold values for defining query monitoring rules.

Quick Note on QLM: The WLM configuration properties are either dynamic or static. Dynamic properties can be applied to the database without a cluster reboot, but static properties require a cluster reboot for changes to take effect. Additional info here:

Create a Single Version of Truth

In the next part of this lab, we will demonstrate how to create a view which has data that is consolidated from S3 via Spectrum and the Redshift direct-attached storage.

Create a view

Create a view that covers both the January, 2016 Green company DAS table with the historical data residing on S3 to make a single table exclusively for the Green data scientists. Use CTAS to create a table with data from January, 2016 for the Green company. Compare the runtime to populate this with the COPY runtime earlier.


```python CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_201601 AS SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 1 AND type = 'green'; ```

Note: What about column compression/encoding? Remember that on a CTAS, Amazon Redshift automatically assigns compression encoding as follows: 
ANALYZE COMPRESSION workshop_das.taxi_201601

Here's the output in case you want to use it:

Column Encoding Est_reduction_pct
vendorid zstd 79.46
pickup_datetime zstd 33.91
dropoff_datetime zstd 34.08
ratecode zstd 61.75
passenger_count zstd 61.23
trip_distance zstd 73.34
fare_amount bytedict 85.61
total_amount zstd 75.28
payment_type zstd 68.76
year zstd 91.13
month zstd 91.13
type zstd 89.23

Complete populating the table

Add to the January, 2016 table with an INSERT/SELECT statement for the other taxi companies.


```python INSERT INTO workshop_das.taxi_201601 ( SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 1 AND type != 'green'); ```

Remove overlaps in the Spectrum table

Now that we've loaded all January, 2016 data, we can remove the partitions from the Spectrum table so there is no overlap between the direct-attached storage (DAS) table and the Spectrum table.


```python ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='fhv'); ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='green'); ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='yellow'); ```

Create a view with no Schema Binding

Create a view adb305_view_NYTaxiRides from workshop_das.taxi_201601 that allows seamless querying of the DAS and Spectrum data.


```python CREATE VIEW adb305_view_NYTaxiRides AS SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201601 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING; ```

Is it Surprising this is valid SQL?

SELECT year, month, type, COUNT(*) 
FROM adb305_view_NYTaxiRides 
WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (1) AND passenger_count = 4 
GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 1,2,3;
XN Merge  (cost=1000090025653.20..1000090025653.21 rows=2 width=48)
  Merge Key: derived_col1, derived_col2, derived_col3
  ->  XN Network  (cost=1000090025653.20..1000090025653.21 rows=2 width=48)
        Send to leader
        ->  XN Sort  (cost=1000090025653.20..1000090025653.21 rows=2 width=48)
              Sort Key: derived_col1, derived_col2, derived_col3
              ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=90025653.19..90025653.19 rows=2 width=48)
                    ->  XN Subquery Scan adb305_view_nytaxirides  (cost=25608.12..90025653.17 rows=2 width=48)
                          ->  XN Append  (cost=25608.12..90025653.15 rows=2 width=38)
                                ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=25608.12..25608.13 rows=1 width=18)
                                      ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=25608.12..25608.12 rows=1 width=18)
                                            ->  XN Seq Scan on t201601_pqt  (cost=0.00..25292.49 rows=31563 width=18)
                                                  <b>Filter: ((passenger_count = 4) AND ("month" = 1) AND ("year" = 2016))</b>
                                ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=90000045.00..90000045.02 rows=1 width=38)
                                      ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=90000045.00..90000045.01 rows=1 width=38)
                                            ->  XN Partition Loop  (cost=90000000.00..90000035.00 rows=1000 width=38)
                                                  ->  XN Seq Scan PartitionInfo of adb305.nytaxirides  (cost=0.00..15.00 rows=1 width=30)
                                                       <b> Filter: (("month" = 1) AND ("year" = 2016))</b>
                                                  ->  XN S3 Query Scan nytaxirides  (cost=45000000.00..45000010.00 rows=1000 width=8)
                                                        ->  S3 Aggregate  (cost=45000000.00..45000000.00 rows=1000 width=0)
                                                              ->  S3 Seq Scan adb305.nytaxirides location:"s3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub" format:PARQUET  (cost=0.00..37500000.00 rows=3000000000 width=0)
                                                                  <b> Filter: (passenger_count = 4)</b>
SELECT year, month, type, COUNT(*) 
FROM adb305_view_NYTaxiRides 
WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (1,2) AND passenger_count = 4 
GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 1,2,3;
XN Merge  (cost=1000090029268.92..1000090029268.92 rows=2 width=48)
  Merge Key: derived_col1, derived_col2, derived_col3
  ->  XN Network  (cost=1000090029268.92..1000090029268.92 rows=2 width=48)
        Send to leader
        ->  XN Sort  (cost=1000090029268.92..1000090029268.92 rows=2 width=48)
              Sort Key: derived_col1, derived_col2, derived_col3
              ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=90029268.90..90029268.90 rows=2 width=48)
                    ->  XN Subquery Scan adb305_view_nytaxirides  (cost=29221.33..90029268.88 rows=2 width=48)
                          ->  XN Append  (cost=29221.33..90029268.86 rows=2 width=38)
                                ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=29221.33..29221.34 rows=1 width=18)
                                      ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=29221.33..29221.33 rows=1 width=18)
                                            ->  XN Seq Scan on t201601_pqt  (cost=0.00..28905.70 rows=31563 width=18)
                                                 <b> Filter: ((passenger_count = 4) AND ("year" = 2016) AND (("month" = 1) OR ("month" = 2))) </b>
                                ->  XN Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=90000047.50..90000047.52 rows=1 width=38)
                                      ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=90000047.50..90000047.51 rows=1 width=38)
                                            ->  XN Partition Loop  (cost=90000000.00..90000037.50 rows=1000 width=38)
                                                  ->  XN Seq Scan PartitionInfo of adb305.nytaxirides  (cost=0.00..17.50 rows=1 width=30)
                                                       <b> Filter: (("year" = 2016) AND (("month" = 1) OR ("month" = 2)))</b>
                                                  ->  XN S3 Query Scan nytaxirides  (cost=45000000.00..45000010.00 rows=1000 width=8)
                                                        ->  S3 Aggregate  (cost=45000000.00..45000000.00 rows=1000 width=0)
                                                              ->  S3 Seq Scan adb305.nytaxirides location:"s3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub" format:PARQUET  (cost=0.00..37500000.00 rows=3000000000 width=0)
                                                                  <b> Filter: (passenger_count = 4)</b>
SELECT passenger_count, COUNT(*) 
FROM adb305.ny_pub 
WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (1,2) 
XN Merge  (cost=1000090005026.64..1000090005027.14 rows=200 width=12)
  <b>Merge Key: nytaxirides.derived_col1</b>
  ->  XN Network  (cost=1000090005026.64..1000090005027.14 rows=200 width=12)
        Send to leader
        ->  XN Sort  (cost=1000090005026.64..1000090005027.14 rows=200 width=12)
              <b>Sort Key: nytaxirides.derived_col1</b>
              ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=90005018.50..90005019.00 rows=200 width=12)
                    ->  XN Partition Loop  (cost=90000000.00..90004018.50 rows=200000 width=12)
                          ->  XN Seq Scan PartitionInfo of adb305.nytaxirides  (cost=0.00..17.50 rows=1 width=0)
                               Filter: (("year" = 2016) AND (("month" = 1) OR ("month" = 2)))
                          ->  XN S3 Query Scan nytaxirides  (cost=45000000.00..45002000.50 rows=200000 width=12)
                                <b> ->  S3 HashAggregate  (cost=45000000.00..45000000.50 rows=200000 width=4)</b>
                                      ->  S3 Seq Scan adb305.nytaxirides location:"s3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub" format:PARQUET  (cost=0.00..30000000.00 rows=3000000000 width=4)
SELECT type, COUNT(*) 
FROM adb305.ny_pub 
WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (1,2) 
XN Merge  (cost=1000075000042.52..1000075000042.52 rows=1 width=30)
  <b>Merge Key: nytaxirides."type"</b>
  ->  XN Network  (cost=1000075000042.52..1000075000042.52 rows=1 width=30)
        Send to leader
        ->  XN Sort  (cost=1000075000042.52..1000075000042.52 rows=1 width=30)
              <b>Sort Key: nytaxirides."type"</b>
              ->  XN HashAggregate  (cost=75000042.50..75000042.51 rows=1 width=30)
                    ->  XN Partition Loop  (cost=75000000.00..75000037.50 rows=1000 width=30)
                          ->  XN Seq Scan PartitionInfo of adb305.nytaxirides  (cost=0.00..17.50 rows=1 width=22)
                               Filter: (("year" = 2016) AND (("month" = 1) OR ("month" = 2)))
                          ->  XN S3 Query Scan nytaxirides  (cost=37500000.00..37500010.00 rows=1000 width=8)
                              <b>  ->  S3 Aggregate  (cost=37500000.00..37500000.00 rows=1000 width=0)</b>
                                      ->  S3 Seq Scan adb305.nytaxirides location:"s3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub" format:PARQUET  (cost=0.00..30000000.00 rows=3000000000 width=0)

Plan for the Future

In this final part of this lab, we will compare different strategies for maintaining more recent or HOT data within Redshift direct-attached storage, and keeping older COLD data in S3 by performing the following steps:

  SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201504 
  SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201601
  SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201602
  SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201603
  SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_201604
  SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub
   SELECT * FROM workshop_das.taxi_current
  SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub

COPY with Parquet doesn’t currently include a way to specify the partition columns as sources to populate the target Redshift DAS table. The current expectation is that since there’s no overhead (performance-wise) and little cost in also storing the partition data as actual columns on S3, customers will store the partition column data as well.

CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_current 
SORTKEY(year, month, type) AS 
SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE 1 = 0;
CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_loader AS 
  SELECT vendorid, pickup_datetime, dropoff_datetime, ratecode, passenger_count, 
    trip_distance, fare_amount, total_amount, payment_type 
  FROM workshop_das.taxi_current 
  WHERE 1 = 0;

Parquet copy continued

COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2015/month=10/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2015/month=11/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2015/month=12/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=1/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=2/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=3/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=4/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=5/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=6/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=7/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=8/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=9/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=10/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=11/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
COPY workshop_das.taxi_loader FROM 's3://us-west-2.serverless-analytics/canonical/NY-Pub/year=2016/month=12/type=green' IAM_ROLE '[Your-Redshift_Role_ARN]' FORMAT AS PARQUET;
INSERT INTO workshop_das.taxi_current 
  SELECT *, DATE_PART(year,pickup_datetime), DATE_PART(month,pickup_datetime), 'green' 
  FROM workshop_das.taxi_loader;
TRUNCATE workshop_das.taxi_loader;

Redshift Spectrum can, of course, also be used to populate the table(s).

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS workshop_das.taxi_201601;
CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_201601 AS SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (1,2,3); 
CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_201602 AS SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (4,5,6);
CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_201603 AS SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (7,8,9);
CREATE TABLE workshop_das.taxi_201604 AS SELECT * FROM adb305.ny_pub WHERE year = 2016 AND month IN (10,11,12);

Adjust your Redshift Spectrum table to exclude the Q4 2015 data

Note for the Redshift Editor users: Adjust accordingly based on how many of the partitions you added above.

ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=10, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=10, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=10, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=11, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=11, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=11, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=12, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=12, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2015, month=12, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=1, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=2, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=2, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=2, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=3, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=3, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=3, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=4, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=4, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=4, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=5, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=5, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=5, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=6, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=6, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=6, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=7, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=7, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=7, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=8, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=8, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=8, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=9, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=9, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=9, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=10, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=10, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=10, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=11, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=11, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=11, type='green');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=12, type='yellow');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=12, type='fhv');
ALTER TABLE adb305.ny_pub DROP PARTITION(year=2016, month=12, type='green');

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Workshop Cleanup

This is really important because if you leave stuff running in your account, it will continue to generate charges. Make sure you clean them up by deleting the CloudFormation stack launched at the beginning of the workshop.

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