aws-samples / semantic-search-with-amazon-opensearch

MIT No Attribution
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Improve search relevance with machine learning in Amazon OpenSearch Service

This repository guides users through creating a semantic search using Amazon SageMaker and Amazon OpenSearch services

How does it work?

This code repository is for Semantic and Vector Search with Amazon OpenSearch Service Workshop. For more information about semantic search, please refer the workshop content.

Semantic Search Architecture


Retrieval Augmented Generation Architecture


Conversational Search Architecture


CloudFormation Deployment

  1. The workshop can only be deployed in us-east-1 region
  2. Use the Cloudformation template cfn/semantic-search.yaml to create CF stack
  3. Cloudformation stack name must be semantic-search as we use this stack name in our lab
  4. You can click the following link to deploy CloudFormation Stack
Region Launch Template
US East (N. Virginia) Deploy to AWS

Lab Instruction

There are 8 modules in this workshop:

Please refer Semantic Search Workshop for lab instruction.


In this workshop, we use OpenSearch internal database to store username and password to simplify the lab. However in production env, you should design your security solution per your requirements. For more information , please refer Fine-grained access control and Identity and Access Management.


If you have any questions or feedback, please reach us by sending email to


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.