aws-solutions / automated-forensic-orchestrator-for-amazon-ec2

Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2 is a self-service AWS Solution implementation that enterprise customers can deploy to quickly set up and configure an automated orchestration workflow that enables their Security Operations Centre (SOC) to capture and examine data from EC2 instances and attached volumes as evidence for forensic analysis, in the event of a potential security breach. It will orchestrate the forensics process from the point at which a threat is first detected, enable isolation of the affected EC2 instances and data volumes, capture memory and disk images to secure storage, and trigger automated actions or tools for investigation and analysis of such artefacts. All the while, the solution will notify and report on its progress, status, and findings. It will enable SOC to continuously discover and analyze patterns of fraudulent activities across multi-account and multi-region environments. The solution will leverage native AWS services and be underpinned by a highly available, resilient, and serverless architecture, security, and operational monitoring features. Digital forensics is a 4 step process of triaging, acquisition, analysis and reporting. Automated Forensics framework provides capability to enterprise to act on security event by imaging or acquisition of breached resource for examination and generate forensic report about the security breach. In the event of a security breach, it will enable customers to easily to capture and examine required targeted data for forsensic’s storage and analysis. This solution framework enables security operations centre to discover and analyse patterns of fraudulent activities. The automated forensics solution will provide a multi-account and a multi-region [“solution”] built using native AWS services.
Apache License 2.0
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Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2

AWS EC2 Forensics Orchestrator is a self-service AWS Solution implementation that enterprise customers can deploy to quickly set up and configure an automated orchestration workflow. The workflow enables the Security Operations Centre (SOC) to capture and examine data from EC2 instances and attached volumes as evidence for forensic analysis, in the event of a potential security breach.

The solution orchestrates the forensics process from the point at which a threat is first detected, enable isolation of the affected EC2 instances and data volumes, capture memory and disk images to secure storage, and trigger automated actions or tools for investigation and analysis of such artefacts. The solution notifies and reports on its progress, status, and findings, which enables SOCs to continuously discover and analyze patterns of fraudulent activities across multi-account and multi-region environments. The solution leverages native AWS services and is underpinned by a highly available, resilient, and serverless architecture, security, and operational monitoring features.

Digital forensics is a four step process of triaging, acquisition, analysis and reporting. The automated Forensics framework provides enterprises the capability to act on a security event by imaging or acquisition of breached resource for examination and generates a forensic report about the security breach. In the event of a security breach, it enable customers to easily to capture and examine required targeted data for forsensic’s storage and analysis.

A full walkthrough for the solution can be found here

EC2 Forensic Orchestrator Solution Architecture

Forensic Orchestrator Architecture

Build and deploy the Forensic stack



Build and deploy in a new VPC

Forensic account deployment

  1. Clone the solution source code from its GitHub repository. git clone

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder created in step 1, and then navigate to the source folder

  3. Configure your application accounts monitored to establish trust relationship in cdk.json "applicationAccounts": ["<<Application account1>>", "<<Application account2>>"],

  4. Set AWS Credentials to deploy into the AWS Account

    • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<>
    • export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<>
    • export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<>
    • export AWS_REGION=<<AWS Region - us-east-1>>
  5. Run the following commands in the same order as below:

    1. npm ci
    2. npm run build-lambda
  6. To build the Forensic Stack to be deployed in the Forensic AWS Account:

    cdk synth -c account=<Forensic AWS Account Number> -c region=<Region> -c sechubaccount=<Security Hub Aggregator Account Number> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount build the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying forensic stack


    cdk synth -c account=1234567890 -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c region=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount

  7. To deploy the Forensic Stack in the Forensic AWS Account:

    cdk deploy --all -c account=<Forensic AWS Account Number> -c region=<Region> --require-approval=never -c sechubaccount=<Security Hub Aggregator AWS Account Number> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying Forensic Solutions stack


    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount -c account=1234567890 -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never

SecurityHub Aggregator account deployment

To push Forensic findings into a Forensic Account, deploy the following stack in the SecurityHub Aggregator account:

Note: If you are reusing the above git clone, delete the cdk.out folder.

  1. Clone the solution source code from its GitHub repository. git clone

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder created in step 1, and then navigate to the source folder.

  3. Set AWS Credentials to deploy into the AWS Account

    • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<>
    • export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<>
    • export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<>
    • export AWS_REGION=<<AWS Region - us-east-1>>
  4. Run the following commands in the same order as below:

    1. npm ci
    2. npm run build
  5. To build the Forensic Stack to be deployed in the SecurityHub Aggregator account:

    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=<SecHub Account Number> -c forensicAccount=<ForensicAccount> -c forensicRegion=us-east-1 -c sechubregion=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount


    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c forensicAccount=1234567890 -c forensicRegion=us-east-1 -c sechubregion=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount

  6. To deploy the Forensic Stack in the SecurityHub Aggregator account:

    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c account=<Security Hub AWS AccountNumber> -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=<Forensic AWS AccountNumber> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount -c sechubregion=us-east-1 Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying SecurityHub stack


    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c account=0987654321 -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=1234567890 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount -c sechubregion=us-east-1 Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying SecurityHub stack

Application account deployment

Deploy the following cloud formation template in Application account to establish a trust relationship between forensic components deployed in the forensic account and the application account.

  1. Cloud formation template is available in folder: Aws-compute-forensics-solution/deployment-prerequisties/cross-account-role.yml
  2. Pass the forensic account as input parameter - solutionInstalledAccount.

Build and deploy in an existing VPC

Forensic account deployment

  1. Clone the solution source code from its GitHub repository.

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder created in step 1, and then navigate to the source folder.

  3. Update cdk.json to configure isExistingVPC to true and add vpcID to the vpcConfigDetails section.

    "vpcConfigDetails": {
        "isExistingVPC": true,
        "vpcID": "vpc-1234567890"
        "enableVPCEndpoints": false,
        "enableVpcFlowLog": false
  4. Configure your application accounts monitored to establish trust relationship in cdk.json "applicationAccounts": ["<<Application account1>>", "<<Application account2>>"],

  5. Set AWS Credentials to deploy into the AWS Account

    • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<>
    • export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<>
    • export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<>
    • export AWS_REGION=<<AWS Region - us-east-1>>
  6. Run the following commands in the same order as below:

    1. npm ci
    2. npm run build-lambda
  7. To build the Forensic Stack to be deployed in the Forensic AWS Account:

    cdk synth -c account=<<Forensic AWS Account>> -c region=<<Forensic solution Region>> -c secHubAccount=<<SecuHub Aggregator Account>> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount build the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying forensic stack


    cdk synth -c account=1234567890 -c secHubAccount=0987654321 -c region=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount

  8. To deploy the Forensic Stack in the Forensic AWS Account:

    cdk deploy --all -c account=<<Forensic AWS Account>> -c region=<<Forensic solution Region>> --require-approval=never -c secHubAccount=<<SecuirtyHub Aggregator AWS Account>> Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying Forensic Solutions stack


    cdk deploy —all -c secHubAccount=0987654321 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount -c account=1234567890 -c region=ap-southeast-2 —require-approval=never

SecurityHub Aggregator account deployment

To push Forensic findings into a Forensic Account, deploy the following stack in SecurityHub Aggregator account.

Note: If you are reusing the above git clone, delete the cdk.out folder.

  1. Clone the solution source code from its GitHub repository.

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder created in step 1, and then navigate to the source folder.

  3. Update cdk.json to configure isExistingVPC to true and add vpcID to the vpcConfigDetails section.

    "vpcConfigDetails": {
        "isExistingVPC": true,
        "vpcID": "vpc-1234567890"
        "enableVPCEndpoints": false,
        "enableVpcFlowLog": false
  4. Set AWS Credentials to deploy into the AWS Account

    • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<>
    • export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<>
    • export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<>
    • export AWS_REGION=<<AWS Region - us-east-1>>
  5. Run the following commands in the same order as below:

    1. npm ci
    2. npm run build-lambda
  6. To build the Forensic Stack to be deployed in SecurityHub Aggregator account:

    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=<<SecHub Account>> -c forensicAccount=<<Forensic Account>> -c forensicRegion=<<Forensic solution Region>> -c sechubregion=<<Security Hub Region>> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount


    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c forensicAccount=1234567890 -c forensicRegion=ap-southeast-2 -c sechubregion=ap-southeast-2 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount

  7. To deploy the Forensic Stack loyed in SecurityHub Aggregator account:

    cdk deploy --all -c account=<<SecuirtyHub AWS Account>> -c region=<<Forensic solution Region>> --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=<<Forensic AWS Account>> Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying SecurityHub stack


    cdk deploy --all -c account=0987654321 -c region=ap-southeast-2 --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=1234567890 Deploy the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying SecurityHub stack

Application account deployment

Deploy the following cloud formation template in Application account to establish a trust relationship between forensic components deployed in the Forensic account and the Application account.

  1. Cloud formation template is available in folder Aws-compute-forensics-solution/deployment-prerequisties/cross-account-role.yml
  2. Pass the forensic account as input parameter - solutionInstalledAccount.

Uninstall the solution

To uninstall the solution, you can either:

Initialize the Repository

After successfully cloning the repository into your local development environment, you will see the following file structure in your editor:

|- .github/ ...               - resources for open-source contributions.
|- source/                    - all source code, scripts, tests, etc.
  |- bin/
    |- forensic-cdk-solution.ts - the CDK app that wraps your solution for building forensic stacks
  |- deployment-prerequisties - Cross account stack deployment to trust forensic stack
  |- lambda/                  - Contains lambda python code
  |- lib/
    |- forensic-solution-builder-stack.ts  - the main CDK stack for your solution.
  |- cdk.json                 - config file for CDK.
  |- jest.config.js           - config file for unit tests.
  |- package.json             - package file for the CDK project.
  |-                - doc file for the CDK project.
  |-         - runs all tests within the /source folder. Referenced in the buildspec and build scripts.
|- .gitignore
|- .viperlightignore          - Viperlight scan ignore configuration  (accepts file, path, or line item).
|- .viperlightrc              - Viperlight scan configuration.
|- buildspec.yml              - main build specification for CodeBuild to perform builds and execute unit tests.
|-               - required for every solution to include changes based on version to auto-build release notes.
|-         - standardized open source file for all solutions.
|-            - standardized open source file for all solutions.
|- LICENSE.txt                - required open source file for all solutions - should contain the Apache 2.0 license.
|- NOTICE.txt                 - required open source file for all solutions - should contain references to all 3rd party libraries.
|-                  - required file for all solutions.

Build your Forensic Orchestrator CDK project

Once you have initialized the repository, you can make changes to the code. As you work through the development process, the following commands may be useful for periodic testing and/or formal testing once development is completed. These commands are CDK-related and should be run at the /source level of your project.

CDK commands:

Additional scripts related to building, testing, and cleaning-up assets may be found in the package.json file or in similar locations for your selected CDK language. You can also run cdk -h in the terminal for details on additional commands.

Run Unit Tests


Python version 3.9.x. We recommend setting up pyenv.

Tests for Python code of the lambdas

The /source/ script is the centralized script for running all unit, integration, and snapshot tests for both the CDK project as well as any associated Lambda functions or other source code packages.

Note: It is the developer's responsibility to ensure that all test commands are called in this script, and that it is kept up to date.

This script is called from the solution build scripts to ensure that specified tests are passing while performing build, validation and publishing tasks via the pipeline.

Build RHEL kernel symbol for memory analytics support of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

  1. after deploy the solution, go to the solution aws account
  2. goto aws console Step Functions find stepfunction Forensic-Profile-Function
  3. trigger the build by adding input as follow
    "amiId": "ami-0b6c020bf93af9ce1",
    "distribution": "RHEL8"

    where ami-0b6c020bf93af9ce1 is the base image AMI for RHEL8, you need a RedHat subscription to do that. see more on

  4. the stepfunction will take care of the symbol building process, once it's done the forensic solution will be able to support RHEL8

Useful commands

Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at

or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.