awslabs / amazon-sns-python-extended-client-lib

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Amazon SNS Extended Client Library for Python

Implements the functionality of amazon-sns-java-extended-client-lib in Python

Getting Started


sns-extended-client allows for publishing large messages through SNS via S3. This is the same mechanism that the Amazon library amazon-sns-java-extended-client-lib provides.

Additional attributes available on boto3 SNS client, Topic and PlatformEndpoint objects.



The s3 bucket must already exist prior to usage, and be accessible by whatever credentials you have available

Enabling support for large payloads (>256Kb)

import boto3
import sns_extended_client

# Low level client
sns = boto3.client('sns')
sns.large_payload_support = 'bucket-name'

# boto SNS.Topic resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
topic = resource.Topic('topic-arn')

# Or
topic = resource.create_topic(Name='topic-name')

topic.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'

# boto SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
platform_endpoint = resource.PlatformEndpoint('endpoint-arn')

platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'

Enabling support for large payloads (>64K)

import boto3
import sns_extended_client

# Low level client
sns = boto3.client('sns')
sns.large_payload_support = 'BUCKET-NAME'
sns.message_size_threshold = 65536

# boto SNS.Topic resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
topic = resource.Topic('topic-arn')

# Or
topic = resource.create_topic('topic-name')

topic.large_payload_support = 'bucket-name'
topic.message_size_threshold = 65536

# boto SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
platform_endpoint = resource.PlatformEndpoint('endpoint-arn')

platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
platform_endpoint.message_size_threshold = 65536

Enabling support for large payloads for all messages

import boto3
import sns_extended_client

# Low level client
sns = boto3.client('sns')
sns.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
sns.always_through_s3 = True

# boto SNS.Topic resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
topic = resource.Topic('topic-arn')

# Or
topic = resource.create_topic(Name='topic-name')

topic.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
topic.always_through_s3 = True

# boto SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
platform_endpoint = resource.PlatformEndpoint('endpoint-arn')

platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
platform_endpoint.always_through_s3 = True

Setting a custom S3 resource

import boto3
from botocore.config import Config
import sns_extended_client

# Low level client
sns = boto3.client('sns')
sns.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
sns.s3 = boto3.resource(
      "use_accelerate_endpoint": True

# boto SNS.Topic resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
topic = resource.Topic('topic-arn')

# Or
topic = resource.topic(Name='topic-name')

topic.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
topic.s3 = boto3.resource(
      "use_accelerate_endpoint": True

# boto SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
platform_endpoint = resource.PlatformEndpoint('endpoint-arn')

platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
platform_endpoint.s3 = boto3.resource(
      "use_accelerate_endpoint": True

Setting a custom S3 Key

Publish Message Supports user defined S3 Key used to store objects in the specified Bucket.

To use custom keys add the S3 key as a Message Attribute in the MessageAttributes argument with the MessageAttribute.

Key - "S3Key"

        "S3Key": {
            "DataType": "String",
            "StringValue": "--S3--Key--",

Using SQSLargePayloadSize as reserved message attribute

Initial versions of the Java SNS Extended Client used 'SQSLargePayloadSize' as the reserved message attribute to determine that a message is an S3 message.

In the later versions it was changed to use 'ExtendedPayloadSize'.

To use the Legacy reserved message attribute set use_legacy_attribute parameter to True.

import boto3
import sns_extended_client

# Low level client
sns = boto3.client('sns')
sns.large_payload_support = 'bucket-name'

sns.use_legacy_attribute = True

# boto SNS.Topic resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
topic = resource.Topic('topic-arn')

# Or
topic = resource.create_topic(Name='topic-name')

topic.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
topic.use_legacy_attribute = True

# boto SNS.PlatformEndpoint resource
resource = boto3.resource('sns')
platform_endpoint = resource.PlatformEndpoint('endpoint-arn')

platform_endpoint.large_payload_support = 'my-bucket-name'
platform_endpoint.use_legacy_attribute = True 


Here is an example of using the extended payload utility:

Here we create an SNS Topic and SQS Queue, then subscribe the queue to the topic.

We publish messages to the created Topic and print the published message from the queue along with the original message retrieved from S3.

import boto3
from sns_extended_client import SNSExtendedClientSession
from json import loads

s3_extended_payload_bucket = "extended-client-bucket-store"  # S3 bucket with the given bucket name is a resource which is created and accessible with the given AWS credentials

def get_msg_from_s3(body):
    """Handy Helper to fetch message from S3"""
    json_msg = loads(body)
    s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
    s3_object = s3_client.get_object(
        Bucket=json_msg[1].get("s3BucketName"), Key=json_msg[1].get("s3Key")
    msg = s3_object.get("Body").read().decode()
    return msg

def fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, queue_url):
    message = sqs.receive_message(
        QueueUrl=queue_url, MessageAttributeNames=["All"], MaxNumberOfMessages=1
    message_body = message.get("Body")
    print("Published Message: {}".format(message_body))
    print("Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: {}\n".format(get_msg_from_s3(message_body)))

sns_extended_client = boto3.client("sns", region_name="us-east-1")
create_topic_response = sns_extended_client.create_topic(Name=TOPIC_NAME)
demo_topic_arn = create_topic_response.get("TopicArn")

# create and subscribe an sqs queue to the sns client
sqs = boto3.client("sqs")
demo_queue_url = sqs.create_queue(QueueName=QUEUE_NAME).get("QueueUrl")
demo_queue_arn = sqs.get_queue_attributes(
    QueueUrl=demo_queue_url, AttributeNames=["QueueArn"]

# Set the RawMessageDelivery subscription attribute to TRUE if you want to use
# SQSExtendedClient to help with retrieving msg from S3
sns_extended_client.subscribe(TopicArn=demo_topic_arn, Protocol="sqs", 
Endpoint=demo_queue_arn, Attributes={"RawMessageDelivery":"true"})

# Below is the example that all the messages will be sent to the S3 bucket
sns_extended_client.large_payload_support = s3_extended_payload_bucket
sns_extended_client.always_through_s3 = True
    TopicArn=demo_topic_arn, Message="This message should be published to S3"
print("\n\nPublished using SNS extended client:")
fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url)  # Prints message stored in s3

# Below is the example that all the messages larger than 32 bytes will be sent to the S3 bucket
print("\nUsing decreased message size threshold:")

sns_extended_client.always_through_s3 = False
sns_extended_client.message_size_threshold = 32
    Message="This message should be published to S3 as it exceeds the limit of the 32 bytes",

fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url)  # Prints message stored in s3

# Below is the example to publish message using the SNS.Topic resource
sns_extended_client_resource = SNSExtendedClientSession().resource(
    "sns", region_name="us-east-1"

topic = sns_extended_client_resource.Topic(demo_topic_arn)
topic.large_payload_support = s3_extended_payload_bucket
topic.always_through_s3 = True
# Can Set custom S3 Keys to be used to store objects in S3
    Message="This message should be published to S3 using the topic resource",
        "S3Key": {
            "DataType": "String",
            "StringValue": "347c11c4-a22c-42e4-a6a2-9b5af5b76587",
print("\nPublished using Topic Resource:")
fetch_and_print_from_sqs(sqs, demo_queue_url)


Published using SNS extended client:
Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "465d51ea-2c85-4cf8-9ff7-f0a20636ac54"}]
Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3

Using decreased message size threshold:
Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "4e32bc6c-e67e-4e09-982b-66dfbe0c588a"}]
Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 as it exceeds the limit of the 32 bytes

Published using Topic Resource:
Published Message: ["", {"s3BucketName": "extended-client-bucket-store", "s3Key": "347c11c4-a22c-42e4-a6a2-9b5af5b76587"}]
Message Stored in S3 Bucket is: This message should be published to S3 using the topic resource


We have built-in Makefile to run test, format check or fix in one command. Please check Makefile for more information.

Just run below command, and it will do format check and run unit test:

make ci


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.