awtung / p2-cowboys

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Aiden Tung - (Scrum Master)

Nathan Lee -

Noah Pidding -

Dane Vestal -

Scrum Board Overview (How our website was created)

Scrum Board

Our scrum board consists of several columns in which we record our overall team goals, as well as weekly assignments for individuals (tickets). The scrum master (Aiden) tracks the progress made by the group as a whole, and logs whether something may still be in progress, or whether it has been completed. The tickets contain links to our code and live demo videos of the running code.

Link to Website

[Cowboy Town]()

Scrum Board Overview

Scrum Board

Our scrum board consists of several columns in which we record our overall team goals, as well as weekly assignments for individuals (tickets). The scrum master (Aiden) tracks the progress made by the group as a whole, and logs whether something may still be in progress, or whether it has been completed.

Project Plan


Aiden Tung (scrum master), Dane Vestal, Nathan Lee, Noah Pidding

Our group is going with a western themed website with many different things to do and explore. We are going to try and create games, quizzes, some sort of database system, WebAPI's, and make the website feel very wild western themed, much like our group name, the Cowboys.

Below shows our teams final week plan outline, our initial minilab code, and our week 1 goals to establish the basis of the website. The rest of our tickets can be found linked above on our scrum board, which goes more into detail abut our goals.

Final Week Plan Outline

For this final week, we are planning on fulfilling the final project requirements. Aiden and Noah are working on the individual sections. For the individual section, we are going to use the about us page, with images of each member and have indivdual pages, where images will be linked to some information about them, their minilab, their bubble sort and their digital portfolio. This will help with the requirement of the individual section of the final project, making it more organized and quality as opposed to havin gall the links on a nav bar. Dane will be working on the deployment of the project on Mr Mortenson's pi. This is a key requirement for the prject, as we need to have the website deployed for the N@TM final showcase. Nathan will be working on touching up the format and HTML of our website. There appear to be several errors and formatting issues throughout the website, so Nathan will be working to fix these, especially the formatting of the home page, and the formatting of the API page. This is important for the final project, as we want the website to look as nice and as organized as possible for the N@TM showcase.

Mini Labs:

Aiden's Mini Lab 5/5

Link to code | Link to py code | Link to html code

Binary Grading

1) Blueprint: Made a folder called "Aiden" within the minilabs folder where I had each of my own files to work on my minilab 2) 2) Class (Code): I made the class "Power2" in replace of Mr M's Fibonacci class 3) Object (Code) : I made the object "power2" from the class "Power2" 4) Data / Getters (Code): I used getters to get data from the object I created called "power2" and then displayed this data by rendering it onto my html file called "AidenLab.html" 5) WOW (Code): HTML code is formatted well onto a nice western themed background image that relates to our Cowboy styled project. My WOW was the animated title that bounces back and forth on the screen and also a title that flows from the right to the left giving it a nice animated UI.

Dane's Mini Lab /5

Link to code | Link to py code | Link to html code

Binary Grading

1) Blueprint: 2) Class:
3) Object: 4) Data / Getters: 5) WOW:

Nathan's Mini Lab 5/5

Link to code | Link to py code | Link to html code

Binary Grading

1) Blueprint: A folder made called "Nathan" in our minilabs folder where I have my work for the minilab 2) Class:(Code) I made class "Sqrt" instead of the fibonaci series 3) Object:(Code) I made an object sqrt from the class Sqrt 4) Data / Getters:(Code) I used getters to get data from the object I created called "sqrt" to display this data by rendering it onto my html file called "NathanLab.html" 5) WOW:(Code) Not really have anything but put a green flashing button for the ok button

Noah's Mini Lab 5/5

Link to code | Link to py code | Link to html code

Binary Grading

1) Blueprint: Created a folder called "MiniLabs" and put another folder called "Noah" where I could store my necessary files for my Mini Lab 2) Class (Code): I made the class "Factorial" in replace of Mr M's Fibonacci class 3) Object (Code): I made the object "factorial" from the class "Factorial" 4) Data / Getters (Code): Used getters to be able to get data from the object "factorial" and then displayed the data by rendering it on an html file 5) WOW (Code): HTML code is nicely formatted, with nice themed background, animated title and a easy to navigate UI that allows the user to input a number for the series and the page will display the final number in the series, the whole list of the series and the build up of each number in the sequence.

Team Goals (Week 1)

1) Come up with a project idea for the trimester, which we all agree on and invloves growth 2) Create the foundation of the website, including a home page, nav bar and brief about us section 3) Assign everyone tickets based on their skills and capabilities and what we want to include in the website 4) Complete a detailed README including our project plan, as well as a scrum board with back log and ticket items for individuals.

Tickets and Explanations

Aiden's Ticket

Explanation: Frontend Code (Homepage)

Dane's Ticket

Explanation: Chat & timers

Nathan's Ticket

Explanation: User login

Noah's Ticket

Explanation: Frontend Code (About Us)